St. John of the Cross Parish
6890 Glen Erin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 2E1
905 821-8486

Archdiocese of Toronto Website - see below
To view the current schedules for the Church, please use the link provided to the St John of the Cross website. As well, please be sure to check weekly for an update of the recommended readings and events.
Sacramental Preparation
Sacraments are parish, not school events. Initial preparation is begun by the schools through the religion program. Immediate preparation is the responsibility of the parents and the parish.
Sharing The Faith
The staff looks forward to working with you in the development of the spiritual growth of our school community in collaboration with the pastoral team of St. John of The Cross Parish. This is accomplished through:
Being Christian to one another in our interactions with students, parents and fellow staff members;
Every aspect of the curriculum being taught in the light of the Gospel;
Celebration of Eucharist at our school masses;
Sacrament of First Reconciliation & First Eucharist, Gr. 2;
Sacrament of Confirmation, Gr. 7 and
participation in charitable acts through word and deed.
Archdiocese of Toronto Website ( )
Home to extensive information about the work of the Catholic Church, this site is an important resource for Catholics, journalists, students and those interested in learning more about the significant contributions of the church in the Greater Toronto Area.
The site, with ongoing updates, provides useful links to the Vatican website as well as other faith, charitable and educational partners. As well, local parish information, church teachings and frequently asked questions on a variety of subjects are also available and is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking for information about the church, locally, nationally and around the world.
The Archdiocese of Toronto is the spiritual home to 1.6 million Catholics, celebrating Mass at 223 parishes in more than 30 languages each week.