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Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
"We are God’s Hands"
  • Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School
  • 10 Castle Oaks Crossing
  • Brampton ON , L6P3A2
  • Principal: Tino Malta
  • Vice Principal(s): Andrew Rulli
    Clementine D'Souza
    Lina Iacobucci

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 10, 8)
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Black History Month


​Black Excellence: A Heritage to Celebrate; a Future to Build!​​​​​ 

​​​​Welcome to Black History Month (BHM) 2024! 

It is important to highligh​t and celebrate BHM in the month February and beyond.  

In December 1995, the House of Commons officially rec​ognized February as Black History Month in Canada following a motion introduced by Dr. Jean Augustine.   

Black History Month is currently gaining recognition around the world with several countries acknowledging the heritage, culture and contributions of black people.  Currently, the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, The Netherlands and Australia have dedicated month long recognition of Black History.  While many other countries acknowledge, but do not have a specific month dedicated to celebrating. 


​​At Cardinal Ambrozic Black H​​​istory Month is celebrated every year in a variety of ways to engage our students.  This year we will be honouring the month through language, music and film. ​​


Members of Ambrozic’s BESU (Black Excellence Student Union) will be participating in the Black History Month programming at St. Andre Bessette.  They will be reading stories written by black authors featuring black characters and facilitating a follow-up activity with the students. 

We will be hosting a 2-part BHM Film Festival open to Ambrozic students.  

Films that will be featured are: 

Hidden Figures ​                    Invictus ​        

bhm movies.png


MA2.pngMorning Announcements will feature information facts and/or quotes as well as the reading of the African Canadian History of Enslavement Acknowledgement. 

African Canadian History of Enslavement Acknowledgement 

​It is also important to acknowledge Canada’s history of enslavement, racial segregation and marginalization as it has had a devastating impact on people of African descent, The existence of systemic anti-Black racism and inequality in child welfare, education, housing, employment, health, criminal justice, politics, and other areas can be directly traced to the complex legacies of the dehumanizing enslavement of African people in Canada. Canada has neither recognized nor educated the public adequately about the historical facts related to slavery and the anti-Black racism it has produced. Despite this, Black Canadians have made outstanding contributions to Canada in every field, which is all the more remarkable given the legacy of slavery, It is necessary to recognize the history of Black Canadians in order to build a more just society, free from discrimination.    


      Students will be able to sing-a-long as music will be incorporated on specific days throughout lunch periods by showcasing music and videos from African and Caribbean cultures.  ​ 


Students will have the opportunity to win a prize by playing 

QR Code Guess Who? ​

​​Every Monday 2 new faces will appear on the BHM bulletin board located in Cardinal Ave. Students can scan the QR code and submit their guesses. ​


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