Prom: June 2025 - Time and Date TBA - Pearson Convention Centre
Grduation Mass: Time/Date TBA - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
Graduation Ceremony: June 2025 - Time and Date TBA - Pearson Convention Centre (Graduates to arrive by ___ pm)
Graduates, please continue to check for updates on the Prom and Graduation Google Classroom https://classroom.google.com/c/NTA4MDU2OTA0Nzg4?cjc=rufdjus
To be considered, you must apply for each award (maxium 3 awards you can apply for) you are interested in. Please see attached below for the application form and criteria for each award. Applications are due ____________ and must be submitted in person in the Library. 2023 Graduation Community Awards Criteria (1).pdf Extra Application forms are available in the libraby. 2023 Student Self Nomination Form (1).pdf VALEDICTORIAN
Valedictorian Nominations: Forms will be available ________________________. Students may nominate a worthy graduating classmate or themselves. Nomination forms are available from Mr. Connolly in the library.
Valedictorian Voting: Round 1 of voting will take place on_________________________in the library during lunch.
A graduation fee is ____. This fee covers the purchase of new gowns, caps, stoles, tassels, hall rental, invitiations, programs, and a complementary professional photo.
Online payments can be made at http://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com
All graduates must have a gown to participate in the graduation ceremony. Gown sizing information will be collected through a google form please click this link : Grad Gown Size. DEADLINE TO ORDER IS: __Check Grad Google Classroom________________Gowns will be distributed ___TBD______ . Bring your ID. GRAD PHOTOS
Information for 2024-2025 school year: Grad Picture Dates are Feb 3 - 21, 2025. Pictures taken after March break will not be in the yearbook. Book an appointment at bookmygrad.ca
School Code: AQU
The Prom will take place at the Pearson Convention Centre on _____________________p.m. The cost is _____ per ticket, which includes the cost of the hall, dinner, security, themed decor, DJ, professional photographer and a gift for graduates. Online tickets sales will run at http://dpcdsb.schoolcashonline.com
Ticket distribution will be on_________ ONLY. To receive tickets, one person per table must bring receipts for ALL table members along with their full names (students and guests) and any dietary restrictions/accommodations.