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St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
"Faith Hope Love"
  • St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School
  • 25 Corporation Drive
  • Brampton ON , L6S 6A2
  • Principal: Peter Petruccelli
  • Vice Principal(s): Tania Altieri
    Dionne Dornford Small
    Elizabete Rego

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8, 7)
    Anisha Thomas (Brampton Ward 3)
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Business and Computers

Business + Computer Studies


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  Business Studies Faculty:  Ms. Herceg (Department Head), Ms. Naughton, Mrs. Teoh, Ms. Van  

Computer Studies Faculty: Ms. Naughton

Office: Room 322  |  Tel.: (905) 791-1195 ext. 36322


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Top 10 Jobs of the Future

(based on a study by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics that measures strongest growth rates between years 2016 and 2026)

Click here to view the full source.

 The 10 best jobs for the future:

  1. App developer
  2. Computer systems analyst
  3. Nurse practitioner
  4. Physical therapist
  5. Health services manager
  6. Physician assistant
  7. Dental hygienist
  8. Market research analyst
  9. Personal financial adviser
  10. Speech language pathologist


Earn a Certificate of Concentration in Business Studies

  • To qualify, students must complete a minimum of 6 Business Studies Credits with a minimum of 60% in each course 
  • At least 4 credits must be coded with a "B"  (BTT, BBI, BMI, etc.)
  • 2 other credits can be applied from the following courses:
    • Grade 11 and/or Grade 12 Economics  (CIE3M and/or CIA4M)
    • 1 Interdisciplinary Business Credit (ex. Personal Finance)
    • 1 Business Related Cooperative Education Credit
    • 1 Grade 12 Mathematics Credit at the U, M, or C level.


Learning Methods

You are encouraged to actively participate in every class activity.  Teachers in the business and computers department source diverse resources and use a variety of learning methods to engage students. 


Case-Method of Learning

Dive into real bus​​iness-related issues, make real decisions, and design an action plan.  Case studies provide a simulation of the realities of business.



Teachers prepare and deliver content that is current and supports modern learning in the digital age. 

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 ​Learn​ing Strategies​

Engage in hands-on classroom activities, and get involved in what you are learning, ranging from creativity challenges to developing a new venture.  
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Blended Learning

 Blended learning uses digital tools to teach and support learning in a face-to-face class.  Through blended learning, you can access high-quality course materials, course calendars, and assignments during and outside school hours.

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Beyond the Classroom

Be a member of the folloing business clubs:


Coming Soon...The Investment Club

Courses Offered

G​​rade 9

​Grade 10

​Grade 11

​Grade 12

Information + Communication Technology (BTT1O1) ​ ​ ​ ​Introduction to Business (BBI2O1) ​ ​ ​ ​Financial Accounting Fundamentals (BAF3M1) ​Financial Accounting Principles (BAT4M1)
Entrepreneurship: The Venture (BDI​3C1) ​International Business Fundamentals (BBB4M1)
 Marketing: Goods, Services + Events (BMI3C1)

​Management Fundamentals (BOH4M1)

​The Digital Environment (BTA3O1)



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