St. Thomas Aquinas Secondar School is a Catholic school in Ontario, whose goal is not just excellence in academics, artistic or sports endeavours, but also to develop students in their faith.
On Tuesday February 4th, the Office of Vocations and the Newman Centre is hosting a Vocations Day from 11 am to 12:30 pm.
There will be two speakers: Fr. John O'Brien and Sr. Gill Goulding, followed by personal testimonies and an opportunity to ask questions in break-out rooms.
11:00am – Opening Prayer for virtual vocations fair, Fr Matthew McCarthy
11:05am – Introduction and explanation of timetable, Fr Peter Turrone
11:15am – What is a vocation? Fr John O'Brien
11:30am – Reflection on The Importance of Listening, Sister Gill Goulding CJ
11:40am – Testimony of a Sister of Life SV
11:50am – Testimony of Friar Tim Blanchard, OFM Conv
12:00pm – Breakout Rooms for students to visit the various religious communities
12:30pm – Return to main room and Closing Prayer
12:30pm – Solemn Mass for Feast of the Presentation to be celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Collins
Link to Register: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/virtual-vocations-fair-tickets-128710124447.
Fr. Matt McCarthy, Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Toronto, is hosting a 9-day Novena which started on Sunday Jan 24th. The novena celebrates a saint called to religious life each day. You can view the Novena for Vocations by following @vocationstoronto_ on Instagram or visiting their website: vocationstoronto.ca.
Vocations Fair Poster.pdf