Home > Students > Clubs Share : ECO 2017-2018 Tree Planting at AquinasMay 23, 2018The Grade 12 Geography class spent the day, with the help of PIP students and Grade 3's from St. Anthony, planting trees at the school. Tree PlantingMay 9, 2018The Grade 12 Geography class spent the day planting trees at Clairville Conservation Area. Tree Planting Video May 9, 2018Tree Planting VideoCleaning Up AquinasMay 3, 2018 A wide variety of students took time out from their enjoyable studies to help clean the grounds around St. Thomas Aquinas. Earth Week Video April 2018Earth Week VideoECO WeekApril 16-20, 2018Aquinas celebrated ECO Week with Meatless Monday, Tapwater Tuesday, Wasteless Wednesday, Threatened Species Thursday, Lights Off Friday. ECO Week Family PledgeApril 16-20, 2018Take the ECO Week pledge. Eco Week Family Pledge 2018The Great GulpMarch 28, 2018Students were encouraged to bring their water bottles and fill them up at school, instead of buying bottled water. Earth HourMarch 23, 2018Classes turned off their lights between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. in recognition of Earth Hour. Videos March 2018Recycling Videos. The Greatest of GulpsRecyling Video #1Recyling Video #2Waste Management Tour March 20, 2018Aquinas students tour Peel Region Waste Management Plant. Food Seminar March 1, 2018Aquinas students attend food seminar. PIP Class Recycling Semester 2, 2018Students in the PIP program go class to class to empty recycling boxes every Friday. Grade 8 Open House November 9, 2017Students at the ECO Club booth during Grade 8 Open House. Aquinas Clean UpOctober 19, 2017Students enjoy cleaning up the St. Thomas Aquinas grounds. Tree PlantingSeptember 28, 2017Students plant trees beside the public walkways in Brampton. Silver Creek Conservation TripSeptember 20, 2017Students take a trip to hike through Silver Creek Conservation area. Tree PlantingSeptember 20, 2017Students plant trees near the public walkways in Brampton.