All forms of experiential learning are a valuable complement to students’ academic experience and preparation for the future. When organized in a sequential fashion that meets career development needs, experiential learning can maximize student growth and development.
Co-operative Education is a culmination of different types of experiential learning. It is offered in the form of credit courses that are scheduled for one semester. o-op also includes such programs as Dual Credits, OYAP (Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program) and SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major).
Co-operative Education is a planned learning experience for which credits are earned. It integrates classroom theory and learning experiences at a workplace to enable students to apply and refine knowledge and skills acquired in a related curriculum course or a locally developed course.
All Co-operative Education courses require the following:
- Application, interview, counselling and screening process in order to determine suitability
- Personalized placement learning plan
- Earning of credits (up to four per semester)
- Monitoring by Co-operative Education Teacher
- Integration classroom and workplace learning
- Reflective Learning
- Student Assessment
- Portfolio Development and Career Research
A Sample of Placement Opportunities enjoyed by Ascension Students:
- Restaurants (Fast Food and Full Service)
- Elementary Schools, ECE Centres, Daycares
- Hospitals (All departments)
- Nursing Homes
- Hairstylists and Estheticians
- Fitness Centres
- Community Centres
- Trades—automotive, welding, plumbing, electrician
- Offices—law, architecture, radio and television (including production)
- Galleries
- Fashion and Design
- Security and Law Enforcement
- Military
If you are interested in a career and would like to try it out: Speak with Ms. Hecimovic in the Co-op office on the second floor.