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Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
  • Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
  • 7640 Anaka Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L4T 3H7
  • Principal: Kevin Sylvestre
  • Vice Principal(s): Ivan Mesich

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
    Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8)
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Night School Registration 2023

QRCode for Dufferin Peel CDSB Winter Night School Registration.png
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Secondary Night School.

Are you a current student who wants to enrol in night school?

Follow the instructions and links below: ​​

Registration Closes-February 14, 2023 at 12:00 P.M

Here is the link to all Night School forms for the rest of the school year 2023-24​ for DPCDSB- ​

Instructions for Filling out Registration Forms

  1. Make sure you are choosing the correct session. 
  2. Winter Spring-February 22, 2024 – May 30, 2024
  3. Choose Registration Form for chosen Session.  
  4. Fill in the sections that are in red. 
  5. Be sure to include all required signatures.
  6. The form will be returned if sections are incomplete.
  7. Use the 'Save As' functions and send as an attachment to the following email: 

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