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Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
  • Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
  • 7640 Anaka Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L4T 3H7
  • Principal: Kevin Sylvestre
  • Vice Principal(s): Ivan Mesich

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
    Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8)
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Chaplaincy Leader Welcome Message


Nurturing Hope / Cultiver l’espérance


“Those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.” (Isaiah 40:31)
«Ceux qui mettent leur espérance dans le Seigneur trouvent des forces nouvelles.» (Isaïe 40,31)

2021 Hashtags: #CEW2021 #NurturingHope

May the Peace of Christ be with You!

This is the start of a New Year!   Unlike any year before, we ar living in a pademic adjusting to staying two metres away from each other, practicing good hand hygenie, and wearing masks.  I hope during this time, you will reach out to each others in a safe and healthy way.  Please know that you and your family our in my prayers.  My office is still open to help everyone at Ascension of our Lord.  There are three ways to communicate with me.

1.  You can join the Chaplaincy Google Classroom.  Here is a way for you to stay connected with the school even if you are not in the school.  Please follow the link (Here)

 2.  You can book a face to face appointment.  Please follow the link (Here)

3.  You can : EMAIL the Ascension of our Lord Chaplaincy Office 

Until then, my prayer  is that each of us may welcome each other the way that Christ has welcomed you.  What does that mean?  Christ welcomes you as you are.  He does not care if you are the most artistic, athletic, or smartest person in the room.  He does not care about your mistakes nor your achievements.  He welcomes you the way that God the Father has made you, with all your quirks, imperfections, and talents.  Here at Ascension, you do not have to pretend to be someone or something you are not.  Here, you do not have to pretend to be brave when you are afraid.  Here, you do not have to fear being yourself.  At Ascension, you are welcomed as simply a brother and sister in Christ.  Here to learn, thrive, and find your voice.  Here, to welcome the challenges ahead with an open mind and heart.  Here, to participate fully in class and life of Ascension so to become a leader in this world.

I pray that we may welcome each other in Christ so we may love our God with all our heart and our neighbour.  I pray that all of you with heavy hearts because of personal suffering in the home and the loss of loved ones in your family, may welcome the healing of Christ in your heart.  May you see with the eyes of the Holy Spirit that God is beside you.  I pray that each of you may feel welcomed and excited to make this coming year an opportunity for each person to feel the grace of God in their lives.  May your smile and every gesture of love and respect radiate from every person you meet this year.

I pray that as you live this day you may find comfort in the words of Jesus, "I am with you always." (Matthew 28:20)

In Christ,

Ms. Albano

Chaplaincy Leader

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