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Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
  • Ascension of Our Lord Catholic Secondary School
  • 7640 Anaka Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L4T 3H7
  • Principal: Kevin Sylvestre
  • Vice Principal(s): Ivan Mesich

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
    Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 8)
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Ascension of our Lord Uniform Policy


Ascension of our Lord’s uniform is compulsory, and items must be purchased from R. J. McCarthy Ltd.
The uniform for all students is a visible sign of belonging in the Ascension of Our Lord Community. We are committed to conveying Catholic, Christian ideals to our students. The uniform must be neat, clean and modest and students are expected to always maintain the uniform in good repair.

McCarthy navy blue dress pants with the school logo
o worn with a dark coloured belt if required

Dress shirt/golf shirt (Navy only!)
o with Ascension logo
o only plain white shirt underneath

​V-neck sweater/zipped Polo (Mandatory from October 31st until April 14th )
o with new Ascension Logo Crest only o students must have a collared shirt under the school sweater/sweatshirt.

​Solid Black Shoes with low heel
o solid black only/ low heel/ closed toe ex., all black running shoes.
o winter Boots need to be exchanged for solid black shoes in school

o socks must be worn

Further Uniform and dress code expectations
o all students must wear the full school uniform while in the building.
o the school uniform must be worn on all educational field trips unless otherwise approved by administration.
o students are not permitted to wear hats, bandanas, balaclavas or any unapproved head wear
o Students must change for required courses (drama, phys. ed.) in areas assigned by their teacher
o Outdoor clothing such as hats, coats, jackets, scarves, mitts and gloves are to be stored in the lockers upon entry and are not to be worn in the school throughout the day and are not permitted in the cafe

Spirit Wear Day Dress Code:
o Students are to wear approved Ascension spirit wear tops with their uniform pants and solid black shoes.
o Participation in spirit days is voluntary; those not participating must be in regular uniform

o Students are required to be in full and appropriate uniform at all times as part of their regular duties as an Ascension of Our Lord Secondary School student.
o Disciplinary action may include the following: Discussion, counselling, a phone call home, sent home to change, and suspensions for repeat infractions.​

Copy of the Uniform Policy: ​Uniform Policy Feb 2022 (1).pdf

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