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St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Elementary School
"Peace, Love, Service, Excellence"
  • St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic Elementary School
  • 3345 Escada Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5M 7V5
  • Principal: Robert Scicluna
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Muzio

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10)
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School History

St. Bernard of Clairvaux School History

Our school community began on September 2006. At the time we were a small community of merely 94 students and a total school staff of ten teachers and two educational resource workers. Our office staff consisted of Mrs. Magi our secretary and Nick Teti the principal.

In September 2006 our school building was still under construction and we were very fortunate to be part of the Blessed Trinity community as they housed our entire community in their school until our construction was completed. We were very grateful to the entire school community and staff of Blessed Trinity School, as they were very gracious and generous while our building was being completed.

At the time the majority of our students came from the Blessed Trinity community, as well as some from the St. Sebastian and St. Faustina.

In January 2007 we moved into our completed school building an excited and yet small community for such a large building. We soon celebrated our school blessing on May 23, 2007. Our first graduating class was in June of 2008.

Since that day we have continued to grow in leaps and bounds as a school and community.  We have a very diverse school population representing many nationalities and countries.

In September 2010 we were one of the first schools in our school board to offer a Full Day Kindergarten Program.  Since our inception as a school we have housed a Needs Moderate and Needs Severe classroom in where we have been able to work to assist and educate several students and families with specialized needs. In the 2008 / 2009 school year we built a Sensory Garden with the assistance and support of our School Board. As well in our second year as a school community we were one of the first elementary schools to receive Smart Boards. Presently we have nine Smart Boards within our school. 

We all feel very proud and privileged to be part of this vibrant, caring and compassionate school community where students are encouraged to reach for their potential and cultivate their gifts.


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