Blessed Bishop Scalabrini

| The third of eight children, Goivani Battista Scalabrini was born on July 8, 1839. His father ran a small wine shop. Both his father and mother were known for their devotion to their faith. at an early age he discerned a vocation to the priesthood. He entered the seminary in 1857 and was ordained a priest in 1863. In 1870 he became the pastor of a local church and six years later, at the age of 37, was ordianed a bishop. In 1881, Scalabrini watched with sadness as impoverished Italian migrants prepared to leave for America where they were to be greated with a strong anti- immigrant sentiment. During his lifetime, Scalabrini developed many pastoral activities. He was the Bishop of Piacencia and founder of the Congregations of the Missionaries of St. Charles and the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo, also known as the Scalabrinians. However, his preoccupation with the migrants was the one that differentiated him from the other bishops of his time. Although Scalabrini acknowledged the enormity and complexity of the challenges faced by migrants, he repeatedly emphasized the simplicity of the solution: To enact measures that would protect migrants and treat each one as a human being desreving of respect. Pope John Pual II beatified Bishop Scalabrini on Nov.9, 1997, and on Oct 9, 2022, Blessed Bishop Scalabrini was canonized by Pope Francis and became St. Giovanni Battista Scalabrini.
 3495 Confederation Pkwy, Mississauga , ON L5B 3G5 Rev. Carlos T. Macatangga, SVD Tel: 905-270-1133 Fax: 905-270-0904 email: website: | Cristo Rei Parish Our school is under the pastoral care of Cristo Rei Parish. We encourage families to register with the parish, and to regularly participate in Mass at the following times: Office Hours Mon - Fri: 9:00 am to 12:00 noon 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm Wed: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Baptismal inquiries and registration) | Masses Saturday: 4:00 pm in Portuguese 5:30 pm in English Sunday: 8:00 am & 1:00pm in Portuguese 10:00 am &5:30 pm in English |
Family Circles of Rosary
Thank you, Lord, for blessing our home. A place of safety, comfort and peace
A family of unconditional love, forgiveness, mercy and acceptance.
Please open one of the powerpoints below to pray the Rosary as a family.
Sorrowful - Family Circles of Rosary.pptx
Luminous - Family Circles of Rosary.pptx
Joyful - Family Circles of Rosary.pptx
Glorious - Family Circles of Rosary.pptx
Our Pastoral Plan
Click the link below to view the Pastoral Plan for Bishop Scalabrini
STGS Pastoral Plan elementary 2022-2023 SCHOOL COPY.pdf