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St. Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary School
"Named, Called and Chosen"
  • St. Edmund Campion Catholic Secondary School
  • 275 Brisdale Drive
  • Brampton ON , L7A 3C7
  • Principal: Maria Locicero
  • Vice Principal(s): Gary De Couto
    Kathy McMullin
    Sheena Agius
    Jason Arsenault
  • Superintendents: Viviana Varano
  • Trustee: Darryl D'Souza (Brampton Ward 6, 2 & 5)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 2)
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AP Program

Advanced Placement Program Information - 2025/26

Thank you to everyone who attended the AP presentation that took place on November 21. Please click here to reference the AP program presentation

Click the appropriate link below for the AP application based on the grade you are entering next year.

Gr. 9 Pre- AP applications due: December 20, 2024 by noon *** NOW CLOSED ***

Gr. 10-12 AP applications due: March 17 by noon.

General Information

​The Advanced Placement Program can change your life. Through university-level Advanced Placement courses, you enter a universe of knowledge that might otherwise remain unexplored in high school. Through AP Exams, you have the opportunity to earn a credit or advanced standing at most of the nation's colleges and universities.

When Do I Apply For The Advanced Placement Program?

The application and due date will become available on the Campion website after the Gr. 8/AP Information Night.

Why Participate?

The only requirements are a strong curiosity and the willingness to work hard. Here are a few reasons to register for the Advanced Placement Program:

  1. Gain the Edge in University Preparation
     - Get a head start on college-level work.
     - Improve your writing skills and sharpen your problem-solving techniques.
     - Develop the study habits necessary for tackling rigorous course work.
  2. Stand Out in the University Admissions Process
     - Demonstrate your maturity and readiness for university.
     - Show your willingness to push yourself to the limit.
     - Emphasize your commitment to academic excellence.
  3. Broaden Your Intellectual Horizons
     - Explore the world from a variety of perspectives, most importantly your own.
     - Study Mathematics, Science, English, Social Science and French in greater depth and detail.
     - Assume the responsibility of reasoning, analyzing and understanding for yourself.

What Courses Are Offered At The Advanced Placement Level?

Math, English, Science and French.

Put Your Knowledge To The Test:  Take AP Exams in Grade 12

The  AP courses (English, Math, Science and French) have corresponding AP exams that schools worldwide administer in May. AP exams provide students with a standardized measure of what they’ve accomplished in the AP classroom from Grade 9 to Grade 12, and thus an essential part of the AP Program.

As a result, university admissions offices and many high schools expect that students who enroll in an AP course will take the AP Exam at the end of the course in Grade 12.

The cost of taking each AP exam is $150.00. This would be paid in the year the student writes the AP exam.

Benefits Of Taking Ap Exams

Taking an AP exam allows you to experience a university-level exam now, while you are still in high school. Your work will be evaluated by unbiased college and university professors and AP teachers using university-level standards. If you are worried about how well you will do, remember you risk nothing by taking the exam in Grade 12. You control which universities (if any) receive your AP Exam grade.

Most universities in Canada and the United States, and institutions in more than 40 other countries grant student credit, placement or both for qualifying AP Exam grades. Students taking AP Exams give permission to the College Board to release their contact information to researchers supportive of the College Board's mission.

Additional Information About Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement Canada

AP Central College Board

Recognition of Advanced Placement at Post-Secondary


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