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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
"One Through Prayer and Learning"
  • Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Secondary School
  • 3700 Trelawny Circle
  • Mississauga ON , L5N 5J7
  • Principal: Jennifer Varnam
  • Vice Principal(s): Jeff Quenneville
    Mary Ambrogi

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 10, 9)
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School Site 

Course Selection



​Click on ​​the following image/link to watch a tutorial that walks you through the steps of selecting courses on myBlueprint.

  • If you are intending to take a course in summer school, please do not select that course in myBlueprint for the upcoming academic year.
  • All current grade 11 students are encouraged to select eight (8) courses for their grade 12 year. This can help provide you with insurance against a poor mark.​
  • All current grade 12 students will be s​urveyed through a Google form in the spring. Those who are considering returning for an additional semester/year will indicate their wishes through this form.
  • Once you have submitted your courses in myBlueprint please go to School Cash On-line and pay your $45 Activity Fee. ​This will complete your course selection.


Monday, January 13th, 2025​ - MyBlueprint portal OPENS for course submissions at 3:00 p.m.
Friday, January 17th, 2025​ - MyBl​​ueprint portal CLOSES at 3:00 p.m. All course submissions are due before the portal closes.​​

Click the following document to review additional important information pertaining to the course selection process:​

​​​​​Course Selection Reminders​​ ​​​​​


Students attending Mount Carmel feeder schools will be receiving course selection material during presentations in your grade 8 class.


Students should go onto my Blueprint to select t​heir courses for next year. Once courses have been selected you will have to go back into My Blueprint to submit your courses in mid-February.

Following submission of your courses you will be prompted to s​end your course selection to a parent email address for approval.

If you have any questions, please contact your guidance counsellor.

Mr. R. Tinio (A-Ge)
​​Mrs. M. Cholette (Gh-N)
​​​​Ms. M. Hill (O-Z)

Course Calendar

Click on the following link to access the Course Ca​lendar to view the full list ​of courses available at OLMC:

​​Course Calendar​ ​​​​​


Click on the following link to log into your MyBlueprint account, select your courses, customize your high school plan, and explore postsecondary opportunities:

​​m​y​​​​Blueprint​ ​​​​​
​ ​
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