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St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School
"Hand in Hand, Heart to Heart, United in Faith."
  • St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School
  • 1195 Clarkson Road North
  • Mississauga ON , L5J 2W1
  • Principal: Isabel Sauve
  • Vice Principal(s): Christine Fernandes

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2)
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School History




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Once St. Mary's Port Credit was established, Monsignor Sheridan requested that certain individuals form a separate school board in the Clarkson/Lorne Park area. This was done on October 16, 1954 and the SSS#5 Township of Toronto came into existence.


With the overcrowding at St. Mary's school, in May of 1956, it became necessary to act immediately and the H.A. Moate site on Clarkson Road North was purchased.


The four room school was erected but in the interim the children were housed at St. Mary's Church basement. By December 1957 the need for an addition was recognized and two rooms were added.


In addition the trees at the back of the school were considered dangerous and were to be removed. However, the trees alongside the church remain, a tribute to the tenacity of Alf Thompson, trustee.


Park Royal, a new subdivision of Peel County was opening up and there was a demand for more classroom space. The increase in enrolment to 136 pupils by February 1959, led to the need for another two room addition. That year kindergarten was questioned and one class opened in 1960.


Throughout 1961 discussions were held with the Erindale, Cooksville and Dixie Boards to prepare for the formation of a Union Board. The final meeting of SSS#5, Township of Toronto was held on December 5, 1961, and the two Clarkson schools fell under the jurisdiction of the C.R.C.S.S. Board of the Township of Toronto.


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SEPT. 4, 1956:
St. Christopher School opened for grades 1-5 in St. Mary’s Hall, Port Credit.

JUNE16, 1957:
The First Communion class was held.

JANUARY 3, 1957:

St. Christopher School opened in St. Christopher’s Hall.

OCTOBER 20, 20 1957:
St. Christopher School was Blessed by His Eminence James C. Cardinal McGuigan.

JUNE 10, 1957:
The new St. Christopher School opened for classes.

NOVEMBER 18, 1957:
St. Christopher Parent-Teacher Association was established.

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