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Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School
"Be the Difference, Live the Difference"
  • Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School
  • 2840 Duncairn Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5M 5C6
  • Principal: Sandra Viola
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 9)
    Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 8)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
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School Site 




The Divine Mercy Mission Statement:

We, the Catholic community of the Divine Mercy School, will nurture, inspire and educate our children in a physically safe and emotionally secure environment.

We will promote the spiritual, emotional and intellectual potential of each individual and encourage a lifelong love of learning. 


School Hours:

8:15 AM Supervision Begins in the school and kiss n' ride.                                                             

8:30 AM Start of School Day                                                     

10:36 AM First Recess                                                     

11:31 AM - 12:31 PM  Lunch     

11:51 AM - 12:31 PM Lunch Recess 

1:54 PM Last Recess

3:00 PM Dismissal

Safety First When dropping Students off at School

The safety of all children and staff must be considered as paramount at all times when dropping students off at school. The number of serious incidents related to traffic circulation at the front of the school and in the Kiss and Ride area during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal has risen. These incidents include vehicles entering the site in the wrong direction, parking and pulling out of no parking zones, parking in bus lanes, to name a few.It is imperative that all parents and guardians who drive their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site. It is equally imperative that all drivers follow the direction of staff managing the traffic circulation on the school site. Thank you for your consideration and co-operation with this important matter.

Homework Help

Homework help is a free online math help service run by TVO's Independent Learning Centre with support from the Government of Ontario.

Students at English-language publicly funded schools can get free online math tutoring from a certified Ontario teacher.  Tutoring hours are from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ET each Sunday to Thursday.

It's free and it’s easy for students to register with their Ontario Education Number. Parents and guardians can also sign up for a free guest account to support their child’s learning. 

Online Homework Help

Online Reporting Tool 

At Divine Mercy, students have an option to report Bullying Incidents directly to the Principal. The Online Reporting Tool is used to help Promote a Positive School Climate is intended for students who become aware of bullying incidents and negative behaviours impacting the school community. It is designed to provide information that will help promote a positive school climate. If you have any questions about this tool too, please contact the Principal - See more at:

Here is the link to the Online Reporting Tool for support with reporting incidents of bullying: 

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