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Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School
"Be the Difference, Live the Difference"
  • Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School
  • 2840 Duncairn Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5M 5C6
  • Principal: Sandra Viola
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 9)
    Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 8)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
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DPCDSB currently offers the Grade 1 French Immersion Program at eight school sites. Students registered in this Grade 1 program will spend 90% of their year learning in the French language. All subjects and activities in the French Immersion classroom, except for Religion and Family Life, will be delivered in French. In Grades 2 and 3, 70% of the instruction will be in French, with the proportion of English increasing to 50% in later years. This means that after at least 3,800 hours of French instruction by the end of Grade 8, students will be able to participate adequately in French conversations and develop intercultural awareness of French-speaking communities.


Virtual information sessions for parents/guardians will be held on two different evenings based on region of interest. We ask that parents/guardians attend only one of the following online sessions: 

School RegionSession Date & TimeMeeting Information


Our Lady of Providence

St. Angela Merici

St. Joachim

St. Pio of Pietrelcina

Tuesday December 7, 2021

7:00 p.m.

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

More information and meeting link can also be found on the French Immersion webpage.


All Saints

Divine Mercy

St. Elizabeth Seton

St. Gregory

Thursday December 9, 2021

7:00 p.m.

Microsoft Teams Online Meeting

More information and meeting link can also be found on the French Immersion webpage.

Note about Microsoft Teams: For optimal access, use a computer device (desktop, laptop or Chromebook) or use the Microsoft Teams App.


For more information, contact:  

Matthias Ramirez,  Academic Consultant (FSL), 905-301-9348

Diane Dumoulin, Program Secretary (FSL), 905 890-0708 ext. 24332

Nancy Marshall, Communications Officer, 905 890-0708 ext. 24278



Inclement Weather Bus Cancellations Teaching and Learning Expectations Peel Schools Oct 29 2021 FINAL REV.pdf


PLASP Before & After School Programs

PLASP's before and after school programs for kindergarten and school aged children are located in the school so your pickups and drop-offs are all in one place!

PLASP programs are a safe place for your child to connect, play, and get some energy out!

Our programs:

    • Meet the high standards set out by the Ministry of Education
    • Adhere to strict COVID-19 safety protocols
    • Our staff members are warm, nurturing and caring people who connect well with children, families and the community.
    • Are staffed by Registered Early Childhood Educators, as well as members of the Ontario College of Teachers, Child and Youth Workers (CYW) & Child and Youth Practitioners (CYC)
    • Accept fee subsidies from the Region of Peel and City of Toronto

      Before School programs operate from 7:30 a.m. until school starts and include breakfast daily. After School programs begin at school dismissal, include a substantial daily snack, and run until 6:00 p.m.

      PLASP Child Care Services is a charitable organization, operating on a not-for-profit basis, providing award winning programs for children, for more than 40 years.

      Register at or call 647-484-4372 for more information


 Hot Weather Plan

  • Rotating classes through an air conditioned space and how often this should take place;
  • Reminding those in non-air conditioned spaces and/or those with outdoor activities to drink plenty of water;
  • Keeping physical activity down during the hot periods of the day and ensuring staff is monitoring students for signs of heat stress.



Dear Parents/Guardians,

This is a reminder that if you have a Vulnerable Sector Check on file at Divine Mercy please complete an AOD (Annual Offence Declaration) before the end of March.  By doing so, you will ensure that your Vulnerable Sector Check does not expire and that you can continue to volunteer.  If you require an AOD form, please have your child come to the office to get one on your behalf.

Thank you

2021 AOD Blank Copy - Volunteer.pdf


Region of Peel Public Health - Student Caregiver Toolkit
If your child has been asked to stay home from school due to COVID-19 precautions or self-isolation, here are resources to help you care for them and your household during this period.

Coronavirus Handout.pdf

online safety.pdf


The safety and security of all children in our care is one of our prime concerns. In order to ensure safety and security, we are asking all visitors to the school, including parents, to come to the office through the front door when you arrive. No parents should be accessing the school through any other doors. This will allow us to welcome you and to ask you to sign in at the office and to wear a tag as a visitor or volunteer while in the building. In addition to ensuring the security of the children in the school, this will allow the staff to get to know parents more quickly. We ask for your cooperation in making this system work.
To further ensure the safety of all students and to minimize the traffic in sis chool hallways at arrival and dismissal times, we ask that parents meet their children outside of the school and away from the immediate exit doors.  Staff are on duty 15 minutes before the start of the school day, throughout the entire noon hour, and 10 minutes at the front of the school and Kiss and Ride after school.  Any student leaving the school during the day due to appointments, etc., must be signed out at the office. Please ensure that you send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher.

Class Closure Letter December 10, 2021



​Trustee Newsletters

Trustee Corbet - March 2022 Newsletter.pdf

Trustee Corbet - April 2022 Newsletter.pdf


February 2022 Newsletter​

March Newsletter

Partners for Planning flyer 2022 Dec to Feb 2023.pdf




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