St. Edmund has earned a 'Platinum' Seal from EcoSchools Canada for 2023-2024!

Congratulations to the entire school as this was a community effort with everyone doing their part! Way to go St. Edmund!
As a whole school community, we hope to continue to build upon the work of the past years and strive to reach 'Platinum' status again for the 2024-2025 recertification year. For more information about the program please visit:
The St. Edmund Eco Team is now on Twitter! 
Follow us @StEdmundEcoTeam - Use hashtag #StEdmundEcoTeam
National Sweater Day-Thursday, February 6th, 2025
Please join us on Thursday, February 6th by turning down the temperature and wearing a sweater to bring awareness for the need to protect and conserve our energy resources.

Full Year Campaigns
St. Edmund Catholic School let's continue to do our best to bring in our reusuable lunch containers every day!
Bring a resuable water bottle to fill at our awesome refill stations!

Make it Fun!
- Make the walk a chance to connect with others by walking with friends who share your route. If physical distancing is difficult, wear a mask.
- Try activities like I-Spy, and compete with your friends walking along different routes to see who can find the most interesting things along the way to school.
- Try a new route to school. Practice it first to make sure you give yourself enough time to enjoy the journey.
Make it safe!
- When walking on shared paths, keep to the right and be aware of faster moving people who may want to pass, such as those on scooters or bikes.
- If you’re trying to maintain physical distancing by walking on the roadway, walk facing traffic where possible.
- Avoid crossing the street midblock, and never cross between parked or stopped vehicles.
- Be extra aware in areas with lots of driveways. Drivers may be reversing and may have a hard time seeing you.
- For more information check out:
Previous Campaigns and Events
Earth Spirit Week is Monday, April 22nd-Friday, April 26th, 2024!
Please see our Spirit Week flyer
_Earth Week (Infographics) - Good Copy.pdf
Happy Earth Spirit Week!
Let’s show some fun SCHOOL SPIRIT during Earth Week to show that we are stewards of the Land.

Earth Day Spirit Week April 17th-21.pdf
Do you have a SIT SPOT?
There is a special invitation this week, April 17-21st from your St Edmund EcoTeam and each day/week moving forward as the warmer weather has arrived to engage in some Nature Therapy.
It's easy! All you have to do is find a SIT SPOT!
Find a place to sit in nature and allow yourselves to relax or do nothing for at least 20 minutes.
Here are some things you may want to do in your SIT SPOT
➔ Journal about what you see/feel/smell/hear/taste,your thoughts about what the place looks like that day because everyday it changes.
➔ Pray
➔ Draw
➔ Think
➔ Practice a breathing exercise
➔ Just observe
Monday, April 19th, 2022-Friday, April 22nd, 2022 is Earth Spirit Week @ St. Edmund.
We'll be celebrating with some great activites and showcasing the hard work being done by our St Edmund Eco Wildcats. Let's all GO GREEN this month.
Earth Day is April 22nd, 2022 (celebrated annually).

Friday, March 9th, 2023 at 1:00pm was the Big Crunch
We count down at 1pm in a school-wide coordinated Big Crunch (students are invited to bring in their own extra crunchy snack) to show our committement to the gift of being able to eat healthy).
For more information about the Crunch:
World Water Day is March 22nd (annually)

Tuesday March 22nd we'll be celebrating the Great Gulp!
To prepare for Tuesday's World Water day, we will count down at 10:40 am in a school-wide coordinated Great Gulp (students are invited to have healthy gulp of our tap water from their own water bottles/drink container). We now have 3 water refill stations students and staff are welcome to use.
For more information about the Gulp:
Monday, April 19th, 2021-Friday, April 23rd, 2021 was Earth Week @ St. Edmund

Friday, March 19th, 2020 at 10:45 am was the Big Crunch & Great Gulp
To prepare for Monday's World Water day, we counted down at 10:45 am in a school-wide coordinated Big Crunch (students brought in their own crunchy healthy snack) and Great Gulp (students washed down the bite of their snack with a healthy gulp of tap water from their own water bottles/drink container).
For more information about the Crunch: and more information about the Gulp:
World Water Day is March 22nd (annually)
Friday, March 26th, 2020 at 9:00-10:00 am: Earth Hour @ St. Edmund
We "powered down, turned down our lights and enjoyed some natural light" as we held our own Earth Hour @ St. Edmund. Learn more about Earth Hour at Earth Hour is celebrated internationally on the last Saturday in March (this year, March 27th).
February 4th, 2021 was National Sweater Day at St. Edmund and for DPCDSB
National Sweater Day has been going on since 2010 and this is the day when Canadians turn down their heat and wear a sweater to conserve energy and spread awareness of climate change. National Sweater day has traditionally fallen on the first Thursday of February. This year’s event was held on February 4th, 2021. We took this opportunity to make National Sweater Day our own and turned down the heat in our home, wrapping up and taking on climate change every February.
International Walk to School Month (IWALK) is an annual mass celebration of active transportation taking place around the world every October.
Now more than ever the journey outside is a safe and healthy choice.
For more information click HERE.
We encourage walking and biking to school as a safe, healthy choice for students and families for the journey to school.
April is Earth Month! 
The @StEdmundEcoTeam celebrated Earth Month!
Though we are not together at school let's try to do fun eco friendly things in and around our homes.
St. Edmund’s Wildcat Eco Warriors
Virtual Earth Spirit Week 2020
Download a printable copy
St. Edmund Earth Spirit Week 2020.pdf.
Monday, April 20th - Wear Blue
To show we care about our water, the water we drink, the water in our lakes, oceans and rivers.
Tuesday, April 21st - Wear White
To show we care about light and conserving energy.
Wednesday, April 22nd - It’s Earth Day! - Wear Green
To show we care about the trees, plants and our earth.
Perhaps you can help clean your backyard today!!
Thursday, April 23rd - Wear Bright Colours
To show that we appreciate nature and God’s beautiful earth!
Friday, April 24th - (PA DAY)
Let’s make EVERYDAY Earth Day!
Do something “ECO” today like thank God for our world, use natural light instead of electricity, take a shorter shower, get out in nature, use a reusable water bottle and more!
Remember to tag @StEdmundEcoTeam #StEdmundEcoTeam on Twitter and share your photos!
Thank you to all students who submitted an entry for our EcoTeam logo contest.

Big Crunch & Great Gulp
took place on Friday, March 13th at 10:35 am
St Edmund counted down at 10:35 am in a school-wide coordinated Big Crunch (students brought their own crunchy healthy snack) and Great Gulp (students washed down a bite of their snack with a healthy gulp of tap water from their own drink container).
For more information about the Crunch :
For more information about the Gulp:
The Earth Rangers visited St. Edmund on Tuesday, February 18th.
We celebrated and show edour support for our animal friends, students and staff by wearing animal print and/or animal themed clothes. A special THANK YOU to our Catholic School Council for providing funding for this opportunity.
February 6th was National Sweater Day at St. Edmund and for DPCDSB
National Sweater Day has been going on since 2010 and this is the day when Canadians turn down their heat and wear a sweater to conserve energy and spread awareness of climate change. National Sweater day has traditionally fallen on the first Thursday of February. This year’s event was held on February 6, 2020. Take this opportunity to make National Sweater Day your own and turn down the heat, wrapping up and taking on climate change every February. Please share what you are doing with the hashtag #DPsweaterday and for tips and tools on how to host your own National Sweater Day please visit:
Harvest Clean Up
St Edmund joined in on the Region of Peel's Harvest Clean Up on Friday, October 18th, 2019. Many classes participated in this initiative and our grounds look great! Our next clean up will take place during Earth Week 2020.
Waste Reduction Week was October 21st-October 27th, 2019