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St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Secondary School
"For the Greater Glory of God"
  • St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic Secondary School
  • 2800 Erin Centre Blvd.
  • Mississauga ON , L5M 6R5
  • Principal: Michael Freitas
  • Vice Principal(s): Mirella Palmisano
    David Cvetan
    Melissa Raposo

  • Superintendents: Laura Odo
  • Trustee: Brea Corbet (Mississauga Ward 9)
    Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 8)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
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Guidance / Courses

St. Aloysius Gonzaga C.S.S Guidance & Student Service Department 


Gonzaga Guidance Department 

Guidance Counsellor (please note this is an alpha distribution based on student's LAST NAME)

A - C                                Mr. Eagles

D - K & Career Path     Mrs. Santin

L - Q                                Mr. Curry

R -  Z                               Mrs. Zanatta

gonzaga crest 2.pngHome - Contact Information
gonzaga crest 2.pngUpdates/Important Dates

gonzaga crest 2.pngCourse Calendar  

gonzaga crest 2.pngSHSM  

gonzaga crest 2.pngCo-operative Education 
gonzaga crest 2.pngRegistration / Course Selection for 2024 / 2025  
gonzaga crest 2.pngVirtual Tour of St. Aloysius Gonzaga   
gonzaga crest 2.pngGrade 8 Information Night 
gonzaga crest 2.pngVolunteer Opportunities/Community Involvement Form  
gonzaga crest 2.pngContinuing Ed/Adult-Ed (Night School/Summer School)  
gonzaga crest 2.pngTutor/Peer Mentoring 
gonzaga crest 2.pngPost Secondary Information 
gonzaga crest 2.pngScholarships
gonzaga crest 2.png

gonzaga crest 2.pngOther  


As per Bill 52 “Learning to 18” (2006), in the province of Ontario, all persons under the age of 18 or a person who has not graduated must be a full-time student in school.  Full-time status is defined by a student receiving at least 225 minutes of instruction per day, as per the Enrolment Register.  
At St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School, all students must be enrolled in 4 classes per semester, unless the student is in grade 12, where students can take 3 courses per semester.  This is assuming the student is on track to graduate on time.  Students in grade 11 cannot enroll in less than 4 courses per semester regardless of their credit status.  Students in grade 12 cannot enroll in less than 3 courses per semester regardless of their credit status.

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