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Iona Catholic Secondary School
"Life is a Gift, Faith is a Journey, Learning is our Challenge"
  • Iona Catholic Secondary School
  • 2170 South Sheridan Way
  • Mississauga ON , L5J 2M4
  • Principal: Carl Cini
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Gennaro

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2, 8)
    Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
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Grade 9 Parent Information

Grade 9 Guidance Information


Guidance Counsellors

Mrs. Howell     Grade 9 and 10 students and ALL students with an IEP   ext. 65142

Mr. Orlando     Grade 11-12   ext. 65140

Hours of Guidance 7:30-3:00 pm

We have an open door policy, please drop in any time to see us or call and book an appointment. 

Student Success

All marks (0-59%) and attendance are monitored by the student success teacher.

Grade 9-12 Mr. Wirkowski, extension 65144. 

Education Research and Planning  select Iona Catholic

MyBluePrint helps students in making informed decisions about their education. 

Community Service 40 hours

The Ontario Secondary School Diploma requirements include the completion of 40 hours of community service.  Submit your Volunteer Log Sheet (located in Guidance) to the Guidance secretary (Mrs. Sudetic) for entry when your hours are completed.  You must have your hours on a letterhead or an official stamp from the organization(s). 

To search for volunteer opportunities within Mississauga visit:  Browse all organizations or areas of interest and create a profile for future use.

Volunteer opportunities are also posted on the bulletin board outside of Guidance.

Math Support

Every Monday  Room 229   2:15-3:00

Free real-time math tutoring available

Homework Help has certified Ontario teachers available Sunday to Thursday, 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., for one-on-one help and you can also access a collection of online math resources 24/7.

Take Our Kids to Work Day - November 14, 2018

Students spend the day in the workplace of a parent, relative, or friend for career exploration.

More information will be sent home closer to the date.


Jeremiah 29:11-13  "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hop and a future."



Thank you from our Guidance Team

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