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Iona Catholic Secondary School
"Life is a Gift, Faith is a Journey, Learning is our Challenge"
  • Iona Catholic Secondary School
  • 2170 South Sheridan Way
  • Mississauga ON , L5J 2M4
  • Principal: Carl Cini
  • Vice Principal(s): Laura Di Gennaro

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 2, 8)
    Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
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School Site 

Business Department


Business Dept.- group pic.jpg

Department Contact Information:
(905) 823 – 0136 

 Department Head:
N. Toste

Business Teachers:

D. Joh​nso​n
A. Barrile
S. Anandraj

​The Goals of Business Studies:

The fundamental purpose of the Business  Studies program is to provide students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to achieve success in secondary school, the workplace, postsecondary education or training, and daily life.

Available Business Courses:


​Course Name

​Course Code

​9​Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset​BEM 101
​10​Launching and Leading a Business​BEP 201
​11​Financial Accounting Fundamentals​BAF 3M1
​11​Marketing: Goods, Servies, Events​BMI 3C1
​12​Financial Accounting Principles​BAT 4M1
​12​Entrpreneurship: Venture Planning in an Electronic Age​BDV 4C1
​12​International Business Fundamentals​BBB 4M1
​12​Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals​BOH 4M1



​​CIA 4U1


Dufferin-Peel Business Certificate:

If you are planning on pursuing a career in business why not work toward a Dufferin Peel Business Certificate?  This certificate can add to your credentials when applying for a post-secondary institution or when applying for a job in the workplace.  The Business Certificate requirements are as follows:

  • Must complete a minimum of 4 Business Studies Credits coded with a "B" and 2 other credits which can be taken from the following courses:

 -  1 Grade 11 Economics Credit
 -  1 Grade 12 Economics Credit
 -  1 Interdisciplinary Business Credit (ex. IDC Sports Marketing, IDC 

       Building Financial Security)
 - 1 Business Related Cooperative Education Credit 

      (ex. Related "B" link)
 - 1 Grade 12 Mathematics Credit at the U, M or C level.

  • Criteria is in effect for Business students who graduate as of June 2017



Grade 9 & 10

Grade 11 & 12​


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