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St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School
"Preparing the Way"
  • St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School
  • 299 Landsbridge Street
  • Bolton ON , L7E 2K4
  • Principal: Anthony Perrotta
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 5)
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School Council

​​The St. John the Baptist Elementary School - Catholic Advisory Council is committed to promoting strong relationships among home, school, and community, and supporting school staff in providing quality education for all students. Our Catholic School Council displays an active interest in the development of our school facilities and programs. Under the direction of our past and present chairs, the organization has grown in membership to provide us with a representative sample of our school community. The Catholic School Council meets monthly to discuss issues surrounding education. Our Catholic School Council provides a forum for parents to express their views on the programs, services and operation of the school. We welcome parents who are interested in learning about their children’s education and assisting the Council and the school.

​​2024-2025 Catholic School Council Members:

Chairs: ​Andrée Gates, Connie Sanfilippo

Treasure: Candice Dixon

Secretary: Meagan Gullace

Parish Representative: Lisa Crisanti Kabay

OAPCE Representative: Candice Agostino

Principal: Laura Tuccitto

Teacher Representative: Monique Ough

Non Teacher Representative: Linda Trioloa

Voting Members:   

Patricia Smyth Grdosic

Jessica Rietta

Melissa Saporita

Alanna Raponi

Tina Gaudio

Franca Vianello

Cecilia Dadina

Marsha Chiarotto-Breault

Daniella Cestra

Alexia Basilone

Melissa Barranca

Jennifer Cariati

Angela Landolfi

Alessandra Canizares

​​Agenda for Catholic School Council Meetings 2024-2025


​​Minutes of Catholic School Council 2024-2025











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