"Preparing the Way"
We believe that education is a life-long process involving
physical, intellectual, emotional, social, and spiritual development. To this
end we will strive to promote the full development of children in the image of
Christ. We believe that each member of the St. John the Baptist
School Community is unique and special and has a positive contribution to make
to society. We aspire to be living examples of Christ's message of
love, serving as role models in the Christian formation.
St. John the Baptist Elementary School was established in 1999. However, it did not open its doors to students until March of 2000. Mr. M. Ducharme was the first principal of the school and Mr. M. Cockburn was the first vice-principal. They were supported by 39 staff members.
The school blessing took place on October 29th of that same year. Rev. R. Glynn presided over the community celebration of family, church and school. The celebration included the blessing of the school's foyer crucifix, as well as crucifixes in each classroom. The first graduating class consisted of only 26 students.
Currently, the school consists of 347 students and the Principal is L. Tuccitto