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St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
"Be Not Afraid...Come Follow Me!"
  • St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School
  • 5555 Creditview Road
  • Mississauga ON , L5V 2B9
  • Principal: Rosina Ariganello
  • Vice Principal(s): Michael O'Grady
    Agnes Pavic

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6, 11)
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Graduation Awards

Secondary Student Catholic Leadership Award

This award recognizes a student who strives to celebrate the signs and sacred mystery of God’s presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living. This student uses all aspects of communication to honestly and sensitively reflect gospel values. A collaborative contributor in the workplace, this student solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience. Attending to family, school, parish and wider community this student actively gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life.

Oscar Romero Award

St. Oscar Romero was the fourth Archbishop of San Salvador, in El Salvador. He was an outspoken advocate for basic human rights and a critic of his government’s campaign of arrest, torture and killing. He spoke out against violence and defended the poor and most vulnerable. His assassination in 1980 has been declared a martyr’s death, paving the way for his canonization. He is recognized worldwide for his faithful commitment to actively denouncing violations of the human rights of the most vulnerable. He defended the principles of protecting lives, promoting human dignity and opposition to all forms of violence. The St. Oscar Romero Award is presented to a graduating student who exemplifies the teachings of Christ in the pursuit of social justice and peace.  

Thomas J. Reilly Scholarship

This scholarship was established in recognition of the contribution of former Director of Education, Tom Reilly, upon his retirement in 1995. The Thomas J. Reilly Scholarship is presented annually in every secondary school to a graduating student who has demonstrated excellence in the study of a modern language and intends to pursue postsecondary education.

Edward King Award

This award was established by the Secondary School Principals’ Association to honour the contribution of leadership of Edward King, Principal of Father Michael Goetz S.S. who died in April of 1992. The Edward King Award is given to a student in the graduating class of all secondary schools who demonstrates academic excellence and leadership in the school program.

Lieutenant Governor’s Community Volunteer Award

This award recognizes high school students who go above and beyond the required number of volunteer hours needed to graduate.

Knights of Columbus Credit Valley Council 8661 Award

Presented to one male and one female student who have been models for living Catholic Christian values.

Watkin’s Bursary

Sponsored by the late George Watkins, a former member of the Knights of Columbus, this bursary was established to encourage a graduating student to follow their dream of studies in graphic arts or interior design.

Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario Award

Presented to a student who typifies the objectives of a Catholic school.

Charlotte E. Gentile Memorial Courage Award

Presented to a student who has demonstrated courage upon facing adversity and is an inspiration and role model to others.

Virtues Award

Sponsored by the St. Joseph School Parent Council, this award is presented a student who best exemplify the virtues of faith, empathy, conscience, hope, self-control, respect, kindness, love, acceptance, and fairness.



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