The students at St. Joseph Secondary School are given many opportunities to become involved and join a club. Clubs provide experiences for the students to develop leadership skills, learn to be healthier, accept others for their differences, be faith role models, explore their artistic talents, become better members of the community, practice their communication skills, and learn to be competitive in a positive manner. Clubs may be formed provided there is student interest, a staff sponsor, and are subject to the approval of the Principal.
Some of the clubs at St. Joseph are:
LeadershipMentors Prom Committee (see Student Voice) Student Council (see Student Voice) | CommunicationDebate Club Model UN The Mirror (Newspaper) *** The Mirror Issue 2 Holiday Edition*** Year Book Club/Committee
Community OutreachGreen Team Peer Tutoring Club
| Faith LeadershipChaplaincy Team MSA (Muslim Student Alliance) |
ArtsArt Club Anime & MangaClub Fashion Club Marching/Jazz Band-Choir | Healthy LivingHOSA - Future Health Care Professionals Mental Health Awareness Club Team Unbreakable |
CompetitiveBadminton Club Chess Club Cricket Club Robotics Math Club | DiversitySafe Space/QSA BSA (Black Student Alliance) |