Parents: Please review the following information regarding Duty to Report:
DUTY TO REPORT - Sept 2022 (1).pdf
Messages can be left on the attendance answering machine which operates 24 hours/day 7 days/week
Attendance is mandatory for all classes and is an important component of the process of learning and of the evaluation of student achievement. Education is a process. When the process and the content of learning is disrupted by irregular attendance, both the individual student and their classmates suffer a loss of experience that cannot be entirely regained. Students who habitually miss class will suffer in the evaluation process because their participation and their achievement cannot be fully assessed.
Only persons specified as having custody or legal guardianship as per our records, may give a student permission to miss school, leave early or arrive late.
To report an absence, a parent/guardian must:
Contact the school if a student is going to be absent for part or all of the day PRIOR to the day of the absence OR between 7:00 a.m. - 8 a.m. on the day of the absence. Provide your name, the student’s name, grade and reason for absence.
Only if calling in the absence ahead of time is not possible, can a parent/guardian send a written note with the student. The note is to be submitted to the attendance office before 8:10 a.m. on the day of the student’s return to school.
b) explain the exact reason why the student needs to be excused
c) have the parent/guardian signature with a contact number
Every effort must be made to schedule appointments outside of school hours. If a student must leave school early, the following process must be followed:
A parent/guardian must call the attendance office PRIOR to 8:10 a.m. to explain the reason the student will be leaving school early.
Only if it is not possible to call in ahead of time, can a parent/guardian send a written request with the student. The note is to be submitted to the attendance office before 8:10 a.m.
b) explain the exact reason why the student needs to be excused
c) have the parent/guardian signature with a contact number
A parent/guardian must call the attendance office PRIOR to 8:10 a.m. to explain the reason the student will be arriving late to school.
Only if it is not possible to call in ahead of time, can a parent/guardian send a written note with the student. The note is to be submitted to the attendance office upon the student’s immediate arrival and BEFORE attending any classes.
Written explanation for why the student has missed part of the day must:
b) have the exact reason why the student is signing in late to school
c) have the parent/guardian signature with a contact number
The admit slip must be kept and presented to all the classroom teachers.
Students 18 years or older are required to follow the same procedures.
If the above process for both signing out/signing in is not followed, then the missed classes will be recorded as truancy and the student will be dealt with accordingly.
Punctual attendance is critical to classroom success, an important job skill and a courteous social attribute. All students are expected to be punctual to all classes unless they are excused by either their parents or the school. The process outlined below is intended to reinforce that expectation.
If a student arrives late to Period One and it is before 9:00 a.m., then the student is to report directly to class. If a student arrives any time after 9:00 a.m. then they must report to the Attendance Office to obtain an Admit Slip so that the attendance record can be amended to reflect a late rather than an absence.
Students are considered late for class if they are not in the classroom, prepared to work, when the bell rings.
1st lateTeacher speaks to student to inquire the reason for the late and
documents it on the Student Profile Sheet.
2nd lateTeacher speaks to student and determines whether a consequence
is warranted and documents it on the Student Profile Sheet.
3rd lateTeacher contacts parent/guardian. The teacher will determine whether a consequence is warranted and documents it on
the Student Profile Sheet.
4th lateTeacher contacts parent/guardian and informs parent that there will be a referral to an administrator on the next late. Teacher assigns a consequence and documents it on the Student Profile Sheet.
5th lateStudent referral with Student Profile sheet to VP who will make contact with the parent/guardian.
Referral to an Administrator who will determine future action and/or consequences.
Absences are considered truant if students miss any part of the day without permission or, in the case of 18-year-olds, a reason that is not considered valid by their teacher or administrator.
1st truancy Teacher contacts parents/guardians, assigns a consequence if warranted and documents on the Student Profile Sheet
2nd truancy Teacher contacts parents/guardians, and assigns a consequence if warranted and documents on the Student Profile Sheet
3rd truancyReferral is made to a VP who will inform the parent/guardian and assign a consequence
Student will be referred to a VP who will determine future action and/or consequence which may include suspension.
The parent/guardian is responsible for advising the school by phone (via the Attendance Office) that the student will be missing school for an extended period of time, a minimum of 2 weeks before departing. Students will then be given an “Extended Absence Form” from the attendance secretary which must be completed by all teachers, signed by the student, their parent/guardian and finally the vice-principal.
We do not encourage extended absences as they can adversely affect a student's mark especially in performance-based courses. If however, this cannot be avoided, the student is expected to:
Be completely responsible for any missed work, handouts, notes, assignments and tests (as per information included on the “Extended Absence Form”).
Submit assignments and reports that were assigned prior to the absence unless a mutual agreement has been made between the student and the teacher.
Arrange a date, prior to leaving, if any individual presentations/performances will be missed and need to be rescheduled.
If the student misses any evaluative component during the extended absence and has not made arrangements with his/her teacher prior to departing, the student risks receiving a mark of zero.
A medical note needs to be submitted when a student is absent for an extended period of time due to any medical reason. The medical note needs to be submitted to the attendance office.
Please inform the school immediately, by phone or email, of any changes to address, telephone number or any other important information so that the office has up-to-date records in case an emergency should arise.