St. Christopher Parish
1171 Clarkson Road North, Mississauga ON L5J2W1
Phone: 905-822-1171 Fax: 905-822-1311
Pastor: Rev. Scott R. Young Associate Pastor: Rev. Jaime Perea Castro
Deacons: Terence Da Silva & Michael Minkowski
Pastoral Assistant: Michelle Brylowski Youth Minister: Levy Anne Ramos
Reconcilation and First Holy Communion 2021-2022
Invitation to First Reconciliation, Communion 2021-22.pdf
Program Outline First Reconciliation, Communion.pdf
Registration Form First Reconciliation, Communion.pdf
Confirmation 2021-2022
Invitation to Confirmation 2021-22.pdf
Confirmation Program Outline 2021-22.pdf
Confirmation Registration Form.pdf