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Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School
"Our Learners, Our Leaders"
  • Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School
  • 25 Mount Royal Circle
  • Brampton ON , L6P1W3
  • Principal: Maria Bracco-Clarot
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Brian Diogo
  • Trustee: Shawn Xaviour (Brampton Ward 10)
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Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School, located in Brampton at 25 Mount Royal Circle, opened in September 2011. The school population is comprised of approximately 320 students who were recently hosted at Holy Spirit and reflect the diverse community of Brampton North East. Our Lady Of Lourdes school community looks forward to celebrating monthly liturgies together with Father Papias, pastor of St. Patrick’s Parish in Wildfield, Brampton.


Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day is celebrated on February 11th, in honour of the first apparition which occurred February 11th, 1858. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to a poor, fourteen-year-old girl named Bernadette Soubirous in the south of France. She saw, in the hollow of the rock Massabielle, a young and beautiful lady, clothed in white with a bright blue ribbon sash, yellow roses at her feet and a Rosary hanging from her right arm. Upon this rock and by the waters of the spring the first Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes was built and today is still the most visited pilgrimage site in the world -- principally because of the apparent healing properties of the waters of the spring.


Our Lady of Lourdes points to a crucial element of our Catholic faith -- that we are called to believe, seek and accept the will of God in our lives. The school’s motto “Our Learners, Our Leaders” is linked to the many opportunities and social justice initiatives students will be able to take part in at Our Lady Of Lourdes Catholic Elementary School. The initiatives include food drives and participation in the parish’s ShareLife campaign through Spirit and Catholic Education week activities. The students will be encouraged to model faith and leadership through monthly Virtue assemblies, retreats, sponsorship of families at Christmas and faith development of their peers.

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