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Loyola Catholic Secondary School
"Gloria Dei Vita Plena"
  • Loyola Catholic Secondary School
  • 4010 Sladeview Cres.
  • Mississauga ON , L5L6B1
  • Principal: Gina Renda
  • Vice Principal(s): Audrey Franks
    Richard Heydorn

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Herman Viloria (Mississauga Ward 8)
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Library Services

library services.jpg 

Circulation Services

You can borrow library materials for a period of 2 weeks with the possibility of extending that period 2 times if there are not a user who would like to borrow the same material. If the material is not in the library, we can put it on HOLD for you.

Reference Services

We will try to answer your questions with the resources that we have in the library. W​e will also direct you in the right direction where the required information may be available.

Photocopying / Printing Service

Photocopying and printing is available at the library.

Booking Devices

Staff and students can sign-out Chromebook from the library. These are available for in-school use only.

Quiet Study Rooms

Two seminar rooms are available to students and teachers for quiet study. Sign-in at the library desk. First come, first served!

Password Reset

If you need a password reset, ask a library staff to assist you. You can also access the online tools to reset your password by yourself. You must do the self-registration for password reset. Just Visit:

Wifi connection

We can help you to connect your personal electronic devices to our network.​

Peer Tutoring

You can come to the library after classes to have an opportunity to ask question to your peer students about different subjects. This will help you to prepare better for your academic success.

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