DPCDSB Secondary Registration
New to Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board?: Secondary School Promotional Video
DPCDSB Secondary Registration Instructions: Online Registration Process for Secondary School
Information Package:
Grade 8 Information Package Loyola CSS.pdf
Multi-Year Strategic Plan
Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s):
DPCDSB has released its Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP) for 2023-2027. As per Ministry of Education requirements, we'd like your feedback on the goals, action steps, and strategies associated with each of the MYSP values of Believe, Excel, Respect, Thrive, and Trust. The survey will close on Friday, June 14. Link to Survey.
Link to Survey for Multi-Year Strategic Plan for 2023-2027
MYSP Survey 2024.pdf
French Immersion Information
French Immersion/ Extended French video, click HERE