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St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
"Let Every Spirit Soar"
  • St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
  • 730 Courtneypark Drive West
  • Mississauga ON , L5W 1L9
  • Principal: Maria Bueno
  • Vice Principal(s): Greg Spagnoli
    Loredana Gencarelli
    Kwadwo Adusei

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
    Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
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College Transcript

​If you are a current St. Marcellinus student, you don't have to worry about sending your transcript into Ontario's colleges -


However, if you are a former St. Marcellinus student, you need to arrange to send your transcript on your own. You have two options:

- check to see if there is an option on your OCAS application to transfer your transcript electronically to the colleges.

- contact the school board at 905-890-1221 and ask them to send your transcript to the colleges. This is particularly relevant during the summer when the school is closed and the colleges are asking for your marks.

For more details on Ontario's college programs, check out the OCAS website:

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