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St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
"Let Every Spirit Soar"
  • St. Marcellinus Catholic Secondary School
  • 730 Courtneypark Drive West
  • Mississauga ON , L5W 1L9
  • Principal: Maria Bueno
  • Vice Principal(s): Greg Spagnoli
    Loredana Gencarelli
    Kwadwo Adusei

  • Superintendents: Peter Cusumano
  • Trustee: Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 11)
    Thomas Thomas (Mississauga Ward 5)
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Exit Plans

The goal of an exit program is to help students make a successful transition to the next stage of their lives.  All students leaving school are encouraged to participate in an exit program. 


The exit programs for graduates should include the following:

  •  a review of each student's plans for postsecondary education, training, apprenticeship, independent living, or work
  •  information on university and college programs, application and admission procedures etc.
  • information on apprenticeship programs
  • information on procedures for applying for employment
  • financial planning information
  • As part of their exit program students are encouraged to complete and review an electronic copy of their annual education plan entitled myBlueprint in order to review future plans and goals.

Source: Choices into Action p.15


 Please select the Exit Plan which applies to you! 


University Exit Plan -Explore the University Exit plan to obtain information on Ontario university programs, financial planning information, application and admission procedures.


College Exit Plan--Explore the College Exit plan to obtain information on Ontario college programs, financial planning information, application and admission procedures.


Apprenticeship Exit Plan -Learning a skilled trade will prepare you for a challenging and rewarding career. Explore this section for career planning help, to learn more about apprenticeship and to find out how to get started. (Source: Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities)


Workforce Exit Plan -About 50 per cent of all students entering Grade 9 in any year go directly into the labour force after high school. If you're considering this, you should explore this exit plan. You should know that Ontario's new secondary school curriculum, introduced in September 1999, ensures that you are better prepared for the world of work than any generation before you. (Source: Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities)


Early Exit Plan - This exit plan is for secondary students leaving school before graduation. 


Additional Exit Plan Resources

I'm not Sure What I Want to Do (Career Advice)

Life After High School

Choosing Your Course for Life After High School


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