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St. Martin Catholic Secondary School
"Teach us knowledge, goodness and discipline"
  • St. Martin Catholic Secondary School
  • 2470 Rosemary Drive
  • Mississauga ON , L5C 1X2
  • Principal: Maria Pallotta
  • Vice Principal(s): Joe Zammit
    John O'Donnell

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
    Luz del Rosario (Mississauga Ward 6)
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What can I search in the Ed LeMay Library Learning Commons librar​y catalogue?

How do I search the library catalogue?

How do I locate a book on the shelves?

  • Once you access the call number, check the information under “status”
  • If there is a due date, it means the book has been signed out. 
  • Use the following table as reference to locate the book in the library.​

Material Type

​Call No.(example)


​Fiction – 

Hard Cover / Paper Back ​ ​ ​


​Fiction Shelves ​

Non Fiction - 

Hard Cover / Paper Back ​

001.944 MYS

Non Fiction Shelves ​

​REF 809.31 NOV

​Graphic Resources


​Graphic Works Shelves

​Auto / Biographies

​796.028 ABC

 Biography Shelves


​813.54 STE


Where do I look when I want to explore a subject area?
  • Library books are organized several ways.
  • Our main categories are Fiction and N​on-fiction.
  • Fiction books (literature created from imagination) are organized alphabetically by author’s surname.​
  • Books when possible, are labeled on their spine to highlight popular genres.
  • Genres labels include, but not limited to:




You can also borrow books online through the library shared SORA app accessible via clicking on the SORA icon below.  For more info on how to navigate this app, go Sora for Dufferin Peel CDSB  


Non-Fiction (literature based on facts) are organized using the Dewey Decimal System.

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