Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather once again as your community of believers. Let us pray, as members of School Council, to be partners in Catholic Education."
Sts. Martha and Mary School Council for the
2023-2024 school year:
Co- Chairs Person: Sandy von Sengbusch, Alison Waugh-Sunico
Secretary: Constantina Judzinski
Treasurer: Andrea Crayden
Parish Representative: Johnathan Zammit
OAPCE Representative: Nicole Lanzara
Parent Representatives: Jennifer Rizk, Maria Zervas, Marisa Roberts, Caterina Marcello Branco
Teacher Representatives: N. Confalone, K. Hammond, S. Richer
Catholic School Council
School Councils are advisory bodies established in every Dufferin-Peel Catholic school. The mandate of the Council is to provide advice to the school Principal or Board on matters such as school code of student behaviour, the response of school or school board to achievement in provincial and board assessment programs, school budget priorities, curriculum and program goals and priorities and development, implementation and review of board policies at the local level. The Council is open to the school community. Elections are conducted in September of each school year.
All parents are welcome. School Council is a wonderful way for parents to become more actively engaged and informed.
Elections of the School Council take place in September (forms will be sent home with the monthly newsletter). Parents are eligible to self-nominate. If you don't wish to be on the Council, you are welcome to attend the meetings regardless (you just won't be able to vote on motions).
The positions of the Council are as follows:
- Chair (or co-chairs)
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Teacher Representative (staff member)
- Non-teaching Representative (staff member)
- Parish Representative (appointed by parish priest)
- Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (O.A.P.C.E)
- Council members without a specific portfolio
The Council meets approximately 6 times a year and meetings are open to all parents. We regret that children cannot be accommodated at the meetings as supervision is not provided.
School Council facilitates a number of events including Annual BBQ, Pizza Days and a major fundraiser that helps support initiatives in the school. Your support of the School Council, through active participation at the meetings, and/or the various initiatives is appreciated.
Central Committee for Catholic School Councils
The mission of the Central Committee for Catholic School Councils, is an organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Catholic Education, and is to foster open communication and engage parental involvement at all levels. Each year, the Mississauga East family of schools gathers to nominate a parent representative to attend and participate in the Central Committee for Catholic School Councils. Parents interested in developing a more global perspective of the board may wish to consider this position.
School Council Minutes
Sts. Martha Mary - Approved Minutes Nov 7 2023.pdf
Sts. Martha Mary - Approved Minutes Oct 4 2023.pdf
Sts. Martha Mary Approved June Minutes.pdf
Sts. Martha Mary - Approved Minutes April 19 2023 (2).pdf
Sts. Martha Mary - Approved Minutes March 1 2023.pdf
Sts. Martha Mary - Approved Minutes Jan 19 2023 (1).pdf
Sts. Martha Mary - Approved Minutes November 2 2022.pdf