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Sts. Martha and Mary Catholic Elementary School
"Learning Together in Faith"
  • Sts. Martha and Mary Catholic Elementary School
  • 1760 Bough Beeches Boulevard
  • Mississauga ON , L4W 2B9
  • Principal: Antoinette Hilario
  • Vice Principal(s):

  • Superintendents: Dulcie Belchior
  • Trustee: Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 3)
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School Site 


Here is the link to our Weekly Maverick Update.


 Fundraising and Community Events (may vary each year)

  • Scholastic Book Fair – organized  by our Teacher Librarian, and a team of volunteers.  The book fair is typically held in November of the school year and the profits raised go directly to support school initiatives.
  • Terry Fox Walk is typically held in September of the school year. 
  • Halloween Dance-a-Thon is typically held on the last Friday in October facilitated by School Council.  Funds raised through this event will be used to support school initiatives.
  • Food Drives – Fall, Christmas and Easter (as needed)
  •  Christmas Giving Tree facilitated by School Council
  • Mitten Tree facilitated by School Council
  • ShareLife (registered Catholic charity serving 34 community agencies supported by School Council and facilitated by staff and students)
  • Food/toiletry/candy drive for Canadian Food For Children CFFC (Dr. Simone)
  • and more….

The Sts. Martha and Mary community is a very active and generous one as demonstrated by the number of initiatives that the School Council supports.  Items/activities that the Council has traditionally supported but may vary annually include:

  • Hush-ups (similar to tennis balls, these are placed around the feet of chairs to quiet the sound made by scraping chairs)
  • Instrumental Music Program
  • Community Needs (by the Principal's discretion)
  • School Presentations by outside groups, such as Mad Science, dramatic performances and the like.
  • Primary and Junior/Intermediate Literacy Centre
  • Parish Donation
  • Agendas
  • Play Day (held near the end of the school year)

Recess Bins (equipment used by the students for outdoor and indoor activities)

Volunteering at the School

The Ministry and Board Policy require that all volunteers provide the school with a Criminal Reference Check before they begin working with students.  Parents who have previously volunteered at Sts. Martha and Mary School are required to complete an Offence Declaration form before beginning their duties at the school.  Both of these forms can be obtained at the school office.


Safety First- KISS N' RIDE

Please see the KISS N' RIDE reminder and video in the Maverick Update. 

Maverick Update

The safety of all children and staff must be considered as paramount at all times when dropping students off at school. Recent concerns from the community have been brought to City Councillor Chris Fonseca and referred to Traffic Safety Council for school site inspections. In addition, Peel Police have been patrolling Bough Beeches Boulevard to enforce violations to drivers who stop/park in the designated no stopping/no parking zones.

The number of serious incidents related to traffic circulation at the front of the school and in the Kiss and Ride area during morning arrival and afternoon dismissal has risen. These incidents include vehicles entering the site in the wrong direction, parking and pulling out of no parking zones, parking in bus lanes, to name a few.

It is imperative that all parents and guardians who drive their children to school adhere to the traffic circulation plan and comply with the traffic and parking signage on the site. It is equally imperative that all drivers follow the direction of staff managing the traffic circulation on the school site.

Thank you for your consideration and co-operation with this important matter.



Make Sure Your School Support Designation is English Separate (Catholic).  It’s a powerful message in support of Catholic education.

When you designate yourself as an English Separate school supporter, you help foster a strong political voice, through your elected representative (Trustee), in ensuring your rights to a Catholic education for the young people in our province. To verify that you are registered as an English Separate school supporter:

  • Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice.      
  • Check your Voter Information Card received by mail during the month of May.
  • We can help you register or change your direction of school support.

Contact the Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24512. For more information, visit



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