Dear BFCN Community,
We hope you and your loved ones are well. It's hard to believe we are already nearing the end of the year. For those with children in elementary or secondary school, it's report card season! Ideally your child's report card results shouldn't be a surprise and if they are, ask for any necessary clarification or support to ensure that you, your child, and their teacher are on the same page moving forward. Try your best to attend the upcoming parent-teacher interviews. If you are unable to attend, contact your child's teacher to kindly request a different interview date or a phone/video chat. Here are a few tips for the interview process: - Talk to your child in advance of the interviews. See if there are any concerns they have or things that they are excited for you to learn or see.
- Bring paper and a pen so you can take notes and/or invite a support person to join you and help document.
- Don't leave concerns unaddressed however small you may think they are.
- Familiarize yourself with available school and/or community resources such as Parents of Black Children.
- Debrief following the interview and share your reflections with your child and their other parent and/or caregivers. It takes a village and it's important that everyone is engaged in supporting the child succeed.
- Celebrate the wins and make a plan to achieve any identified goals over the next few months.
BFCN Scholarship Application Workshop We are happy to announce that we will be hosting another BFCN Scholarship Application Workshop in collaboration with the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) on Tuesday, November 26th from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM. This workshop will be open to all YRDSB Black students and their families. Please share this invitation widely and especially with Black youth who are currently in Grade 8 or high school and are interested in post-secondary education. We believe that education is one of the keys to success and that all youth should have the opportunity to advance their academic careers with further educational opportunities. Scholarships, bursaries and awards help make these goals more achievable by financially assisting students with the often inaccessible and high costs of post-secondary education. Click here to register for the BFCN Scholarship Application Workshop Click here to access the 2024 BFCN Scholarship Directory Please note the BFCN Scholarship Directory is updated periodically throughout the year. Feel free to share ones we've missed here. To contribute to the BFCN Scholarship Fund, please send an e-Transfer to, make a PayPal payment here, or mail a cheque to: BFCN
5100 Rutherford Road P.O. Box #12305 Woodbridge, Ontario L4H2J2 Canada Thank you so much for your continued support and for helping us support Black students pursue their academic dreams. |
Cheryl Yarde BFCN President 416-566-2731
BFCN is a volunteer-run organization. We rely on community donations and welcome all support so we can continue to do our work, serving Black communities locally. e-Transfers can be sent to and donations can be sent through PayPal at Thank you in advance for your support.
"Together we can achieve success one student, one adult and one family at a time." |
BFCN - Black Foundation of Community Networks |
| 5100 Rutherford Road, PO BOX 12305,, L4H 2J2, Woodbridge |
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Graduation Coaches for Black Students
Website: | Twitter/IG: @BlkExcDPCDSB |

Black Excellence Professionals Expo
The 2nd Annual Black Excellence Professionals Expo will be hosted on Wednesday November 6, 2024 at Notre Dame CSS.
The Black Excellence Success Team (B.E.S.T) of Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board was established in 2020 to help build capacity, promote relationships and foster community engagement amongst Black employees, students and the broader community. Our vision is to advance the well-being of Black students, foster community relationships and provide mentorship opportunities. The members of B.E.S.T consist of Black employees of Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and the executive leaders are Principal Michelle Thompson, Vice-Principal, Lorian Feres and Vice-Principal Kwadwo Adusei.
The B.E.S.T committee is hosting the 2nd Annual Black Excellence Professionals Expo on November 6, 2024, at Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School in Brampton, Ontario. The Expo is an opportunity for Black youth to meet Black professionals and mentors in a career fair atmosphere with their families, vendors, and other professionals coming together to build capacity and community.
The evening will include Black Professionals from various industries, a keynote speaker, food trucks, a live DJ and so much more. For more information about the event please see the attached flyer. LIMITED SPOTS. Click link to register Community Registration
This event is open to youth in the Region of Peel, specifically Black youth, and Black community members. The Expo highlights Black businesses, Black professionals and Black leaders within the community that support Black Student Success.
Black representation matters and is key to addressing and eliminating Anti-Black Racism within the educational system. In response to Dufferin-Peel's Catholic Community, Culture and Caring survey data, and as part of the Multi-Year Strategic plan, the B.E.S.T committee is creating opportunities and affinity spaces for Black youth, staff, and the broader community to have a voice, feel affirmed and share lived experiences. This event is designed to build bridges with Black businesses, support post-secondary pathways and transitions in the workplace, trades and beyond.

Truth & Reconciliation: Geronimo's Dream - Donations
Geronimo Henry is a residential school survivor. He was brought to the Mohawk Institute Residential School in Brantford, ON at the age of 5 where he remained for 11 years. Referred to by a number instead of his name, Geronimo was forbidden from speaking his native language and stripped of his culture.
Geronimo now spends his time sharing his story to educate all people on the realities of residential schools, the impact of inter-generational trauma and why it is critical that everyone is aware of this.
Geronimo's dream is to build a monument in memory of those who, like himself, suffered and continue to suffer because of this experience. There are no words to express how much this would mean to Geronimo to build this monument as it will acknowledge those who survived and those who did not.