Catholic School Council
As parents, there are many ways you can impact and enhance the school environment. We welcome your enthusiasm, ideas and devotion of time, and encourage parents to come forward and be active in the enrichment of your child’s school life. One way of doing so is by becoming a part of School Council or attending the council meetings as a participant.
School Councils have two primary functions; first, to promote the vision and values of sacramental life and Catholic practices of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and second, to advise to the school principal or Board on various matters.
In accordance with Ministry policy, School Council elections are held each year within 30 days of the start of the school year. Members are either elected or acclaimed in accordance with Ministry guidelines and Our Lady of Mercy School Council Bylaws.
Our Lady of Mercy School Council will meet a minimum of four times per school year. Meeting dates are published in our monthly newsletter. Parents are welcome to attend all meetings.
Working together, we can build a spirit of community and enrich the educational experience of our children.
If you require more information regarding School Councils, please contact the school office.
OLMCY Catholic School Council: 2024-2025 School Year
OLMCY Catholic School Council Members 24-25.pdf
If you have items that you would like considered for a Catholic School Council Agenda, please reach out to the school at least 2 weeks in advance of the meeting for consideration. You can contact the school through email at: or
2024-2025 Approved Minutes
OLMCY Catholic School Council_ Approved_October_Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council_November_Approved_Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council: 2023-2024 School Year
2023-2024 Approved Minutes
OLMCY_CSC Meeting Approved Minutes_September 2023.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council October 2023 Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council November 2023 Approved Minutes.pdf
OLMCY CSC Minutes_January 2024_Approved.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council February 2024 Approved Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council April Approved Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council_ May Approved Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council_ June Approved Minutes.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council: 2022-2023 School Year
OLMCY CSC Members 22_23.pdf
OLMCY CSC October Minutes_2022.pdf
OLMCY CSC November Minutes_2022.pdf
OLMCY CSC December Minutes_2022.pdf
OLMCY_CSC February Minutes_2023.pdf
OLMCY_CSC March Minutes_2023.pdf
OLMCY CSC May Minutes_2023.pdf
OLMCY_CSC_June Minutes_2023.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council Members: 21-22 School Year
OLMCY CSC Members 21_22.pdf
OLMCYCatholic School Council Minutes: 21-22 School Year
OLMCY_Catholic School Council Minutes_October 6.pdf
Our Lady of Mercy Parent Council November Meetings 2021.pdf
OLMCY-Parent Council Minutes-Dec.8 2021.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council Minutes_January 19.pdf
OLMCY_Catholic School Minutes_March 2022.pdf
OLMCY-Minutes May 12, 2022.pdf
OLMCY Catholic School Council Members: 20-21 School Year
CSC Members 20_21.pdf
Minutes from Catholic School 2021:
OLMCY_Minutes_Jan 21.pdf
OLMCY_Minutes_Feb 21.pdf
OLMCY_Minutes_April 21.pdf
OLMCY_Minutes_May 21.pdf
OLMCY_Minutes_June 21.pdf
CSC By-Laws:
CCCSC Bylaws.pdf