School Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Classes begin 10:41 a.m. – 11:01 a.m. Nutrition Break #1 11:01 a.m. – 11:21 a.m. First Recess 12:41 p.m. – 1:01 p.m. Nutrition Break #2 1:01 p.m. – 1:31 p.m. Second Recess 3:00 p.m. Dismissal Important Student Information | | Reporting Absences Please notify the school each day that your child will not be attending school. All unverified absences will be checked by a phone call to the parent. We will do our best to contact you, but please remember that it is the primary responsibility of the parents / guardians to let the school know if their child is going to be absent. Please leave a message on the school Attendance Line (Option #1) before 8:30 am the day of the absence, fax or send a note with a sibling. After an absence of three consecutive days your child is to bring a note explaining the reason for the absence. This note is required to be kept with the Ministry of Education Registers of Attendance for each class. Picking Up Students If you are sending someone to pick up your child, please inform the office or your child's teacher of this intent. Only those individuals listed as your emergency contacts have clearance to pick up your child from school if needed. Visitors All visitors must report to the office. All visitors including parents must sign our Visitors Log and wear a Visitor's Badge (provided in the office) when in the school building. For safety reasons, all doors except for the front door are locked during class time. All visitors are asked to use the front doors when entering the school and report to the office. Sign Out Book If your child needs to leave school for medical or dental appointments during the school day, we would appreciate you notifying the teacher in writing that day. Before leaving the school, you or your child must sign-out in the school office. This helps us to ensure the safety of your child at all times. Entrance and Dismissal Procedures Students are expected to be in the school yard by 8:30 am to line up with their classmates at their assigned entrance doors. On inclement weather days, students will be permitted to enter the building at 8:15 am. We ask that children do not arrive in the school yard before 8:15 am as the school playground is not supervised until then. At Dismissal time, all students are to leave from their assigned dismissal doors. | Attendance and Punctuality According to the Education Act, students of compulsory school age must attend school and parents have the obligation to ensure that they do attend. Each student has the responsibility to be in attendance at all classes and scheduled activities on time and with proper materials required for full participation. Regular attendance at school is critical for the students learning and achievement of course expectations. Students who habitually miss class may suffer in the evaluation process. It is required that students who are consistently absent or late be contacted by the school social worker for attendance counselling. Student are responsible for bringing to class the proper materials required for full participation. Each school will address this responsibility and the associated consequences. When Children Are Sick In fairness to all, please do not send your child to school if there are definite signs of ill health in the morning. We have neither the facilities nor the personnel to care for sick children. Good health is necessary for effective learning. Students who become ill or who are injured during the day are to report it directly to their teacher. Our policy is to get students who are ill home as soon as possible. Our practice is to call parents (or if necessary emergency contact) and ask that the student be either picked up or given parental permission to go home. For this reason, it is important that parents keep work and emergency phone numbers current. Please notify the office if any changes of these numbers occur during the school year. Changes in Student Information If you change your address, home, work, or emergency contact telephone numbers, place of employment, etc., please keep us informed. Up to date information is essential should the school have to contact you in case of illness or an emergency. We must have on file the name and telephone number of at least one person to call should we be unable to contact you in the event of an emergency. Please be sure that your child knows who the emergency contact is and is comfortable with that person should they need to pick up your child. For changes, please contact our school secretary. |
Medication for Students On occasion we have been asked by a parent to ensure their child receives prescribed medication. Please be aware that in order to do so, we require the completion of the Request for Administration of Medication at school form signed by a physician. This form is available from the office. Communication Between Home and School We do our best to keep parents involved in and informed about all our activities. Our monthly newsletter includes upcoming events as well as school and student news. Individual classes may also send supplementary newsletters or calendars home highlighting their classroom activities. The Student Agenda is an excellent tool for home / school communication. Newsletters are posted monthly on the school website In order to promote a more environmentally friendly school we will continue to post our newsletter online monthly or alternatively, you may submit your email address to the office to receive your newsletter by email. For those parents who wish to continue to receive a paper copy, a request form will be provided in the September newsletter. Attendance and Punctuality According to the Education Act, students of compulsory school age must attend school and parents have the obligation to ensure that they do attend. Each student has the responsibility to be in attendance at all classes and scheduled activities on time and with proper materials required for full participation. Regular attendance at school is critical for the students learning and achievement of course expectations. Students who habitually miss class may suffer in the evaluation process. It is required that students who are consistently absent or late be contacted by the school social worker for attendance counselling. Students are responsible for bringing to class the proper materials required for full participation. Each school will address this responsibility and the associated consequences. Valuables Expensive items should not be brought to school. The school is not responsible for the lost or stolen items. | Anaphylactic Allergies We are an allergen aware school. There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods, such as peanut, nut products, and seafood. Please avoid sending any of these products in student lunches. For class celebrations such as birthdays, please send non-edible treats. At the beginning of the year, parents will be notified by letter of the specific allergies within your child's classroom. Personal Electronic Devices on Board Premises and/or at Sanctioned Events for Educational Purposes: The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board acknowledges the value of the use of technology to support learning. Dufferin-Peel's newly revised policy indicates that students will be permitted to register and use personal electronic devices (PEDs) on board premises and/or at sanctioned events for educational purposes, under the direction of staff per the Personal Electronic Device Used With Wi-Fi Network Student Agreement, which includes parental permission. The use of personal electronic devices during school- sanctioned activities for designated purposes is only permitted within instructional spaces and is absolutely prohibited in the hallways, school yard or in the washrooms. Students in senior grades will be permitted to bring Personal Electronic Devices onto school premises for educational purposes. This opportunity is for educational purposes only and not to be used as a communication tool with parents. Communication home will still occur through the main office. Students are required to ensure that they are in compliance with the Catholic Code of Conduct, the Student Network User Application and Agreement and the Personal electronic Device used with Wi-FI Network Student Agreement. Any failure to comply with these guidelines may result in confiscation of the PED, discipline, a loss of PED privileges, police involvement and/or any other consequence deemed necessary by school administration. Use of the Office Telephone We understand that situations may arise during the day when either you or your child may need to communicate with each other. Please remember that the school phones are available for student use in emergency situations only, with the teacher and / or office staff determining the severity of the emergency. Students will not be called out of class to answer calls. Important messages can be forwarded to them. Similarly, staff will not be asked to respond to a telephone call while in class, but a message can be passed along to return the call. Staff will try to return calls within 24 hours. |
| | School Bus Rules: Time schedules provided by the school for each bus stop are approximate. Students should be at their bus stop at least ten minutes before the designated times. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child's safety while getting to and from their bus stop and while at the bus stop. Ensuring your child's safety is a very important goal for all those working with him/her. Parents are asked to carefully review the following expectations for students while they are riding on school buses. Students not following these rules may lose the privilege of riding on a school bus. Students are required to: - Travel to school and return home on the assigned bus according to the transportation address registered at the school
- Carry their bus card at all times if issued by the school
- Be at their stop 10 minutes before pick up time
- Listen to the driver when getting on and off the bus, especially when a road must be crossed
- Go directly to their seat and stay seated until they are let off the bus
- Follow all instructions from the bus driver, especially about where they put their belongings
- Not eat or drink, fight, swear or other types of poor behavior
- Not open or close windows unless the driver permits it
- Keep all belongings inside the bus
- Not damage the bus seats (students will be held responsible)
- Respect private property while waiting for their school bus
- Not talk to the bus driver while the bus is in operation unless it is necessary
Child and Family Services Act
The Child and Family Services Act requires that we must report all suspected cases of child abuse. In those situations where emotional, physical, or sexual abuse is suspected by a teacher, secretary, custodian, or principal, we are obligated to follow Board protocol and Children's Aid Society directions. It is the role of the C.A.S. to investigate the suspicion.
| Bus Loading: Parents are asked to review the bus policy with their children. For their own safety, students are expected to obey the following rules: - Board the bus in single file, without pushing or shoving
- Remain seated while the bus is still moving
- Talk quietly
- Do not eat or drink on the bus
- Keep hands and arms inside the bus at all times
- Cross the street in front of the bus, when the arm of the bus is extended
- The Bus drivers are there to help; please obey them and be courteous.
- Every effort must be made to maintain a high standard of discipline and safety in the operation of school buses
Bus Cancellation
If the radio stations below announce that Dufferin- Peel buses are cancelled, this means that ALL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED.
If buses are cancelled in the morning, there will be no buses in the afternoon. If school buses cannot run because of poor weather conditions, the Board will make public announcements over the radio or television stations listed below.
EZ ROCK FM97.3 VIRGIN FM99.9 FM 93.1
Or on the school board website at: Please note: It is not necessary to report the absence of a bus student(s).
Lost and Found
Frequently items such as hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, gym clothing, and books are misplaced. We encourage students and parents to check the lost and found box if something has been misplaced. It's easier if the items are labeled. Smaller items, such as keys or jewelry are normally kept in the office.
Anyone who destroys, defaces or otherwise damages property will be required to make restitution where appropriate.
 Morning Kiss 'n Ride Drop Off Routine For parents who do not wish to park their car and drop off children you may use the DROP OFF ZONE established in the parking lot at the bend near the school yard. This has been identified with painted lines on the pavement and a stop sign. Parents are asked to stop at the drop off zone and students should disembark from the right side of the vehicle. Other vehicles are asked not to pass cars waiting to drop off. Students exiting vehicles should not be going around the back of the vehicle to the trunk as this is unsafe. By following this system we can have two cars unload at a time, one behind the other. Once those vehicles have moved on then the next vehicles can pull up and unload. Buses will be asked to wait behind the line up and then pull up in front of the school to unload, as usual. We ask that cars no longer pull up against the curb in the area along the sidewalk/garden. Thank you for your cooperation with this Drop off Routine. End of the Day Pick-Up Routine Parents please make note of the pick-up system at the end of the day for students not taking the bus: We would ask that if there are no more parking spaces available in the parking lot that parents wait in the church parking lot until they see that all of the large school buses have arrived. Once all of the buses have arrived. Parents are asked to pull up behind the buses in a line. No cars will be permitted to leave the parking lot until all buses have departed. Once the buses have left parents are asked to pull up to the curb and we will call your children out for you. Thank you for your cooperation with this pick up system. This helps to ease the congestion in the parking lot and allows the buses to pass and ensuring pedestrian safety. Dangerous Objects For safety reasons students must not bring dangerous objects to school. Knives of any kind (even for use at lunch), fireworks, matches, lighters, laser pointers and imitation weapons such as plastic swords and toy guns are not permitted at school. Some of these objects can cause serious injury and some toy weapons frighten people because they look real. If pupils bring any of these items to school parents will be contacted and disciplinary action may be taken. Respect for the property of others Students, staff and visitors are expected to treat school grounds, buildings, contents and the personal property of others with respect.
Emergency Procedures If your child becomes acutely ill or is seriously hurt, a staff member will make every effort to contact you at home or at work. Should these efforts fail, we will attempt to get in touch with the "emergency contact" person you gave us. If we evaluate the situation as serious enough we will call 911 and have your child transported to the hospital accompanied by a staff member if the parent is unable to attend. Staff will continue to provide supervision until the parent arrives. Fire Drills and School Lockdown Procedures In accordance with ministry regulations, six fire drills will be conducted per school year. While we hope that a real fire situation never arises, this practice helps prepare pupils in the event of a real fire. Also, our Board has established lockdown procedures should a high risk incident involving weapons occur on school property that could endanger the lives and safety of pupils and staff. We will practice the Emergency Lockdown Procedure two times during the school year and review it periodically. Emergency Evacuation Students must wear shoes in the school building at all times. If the fire alarm goes off, pupils will not be permitted to stop to put on shoes, coats, hats, etc. Their safety is our first priority. Please ensure that your child has an extra pair of shoes at school. Please be reminded that once the fire alarm goes off, even if we know it is a false alarm, we must evacuate the school and cannot re-enter until the fire department arrives and gives us permission to enter the building. In the event that we have to evacuate the school, our evacuation site is St. Patrick Church. If for some reason this site is not acceptable, students will be transported by school bus to Holy Spirit School. Co-Curricular Activities Co-curricular activities provide students with the opportunity to experience a variety of situations that foster social interaction and support personal growth. It is necessary that pupils participating in such activities cooperate with rules and regulations which are in place for the safety and wellbeing of all concerned. The right to participate in these activities depends upon the pupil demonstrating positive behavior, attitude and responsibility in all areas of the school program. |