Grade 7/8 Open House Presentation
We invite families and students to join us at our
2024 Open House on Wednesday November 13th, 2024, starting at 5:30pm.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

Course Calendar 2024-25
Grade Level Course Selection Worksheets 2024-25
Grade 9 Course Selection Worksheet 2024-25.pdf
Grade 10 Course Selection Worksheet 2024-25.pdf
Grade 11 Course Selection Worksheet 2024-25.pdf
Grade 12 Course Selection Worksheet 2024-25.pdf
Link to Student Services
Student services uses Google Classroom to share important information for all students to keep them updated:
1. Grade 12 students planning for Post Secondary- Important Dates, deadlines for applications, scholarship info, graduation info, etc.
2. Volunteer Opportunities within the Community
3. Link to your Guidance Counsellors- to set up an appointment
4. Links to great websites, videos, etc.
Students can visit the Student Services Office for the join code.
Guidance Appointments
Students and parents can make appointments using the QR codes. Click
QR Codes for Guidance.pdfto access the poster.
Guidance and Career Education Department Staff
Guidance Counsellors
Mr. Costigan
Ms. Caldarelli Mr. Sanabria
| Counsellor -Gr 10-12 (Last names A- Ma)
Counsellor - Gr 9s & Grade 12 IB
Counsellor - Gr. 10-12 (Last names Mb-Z)
| Ext. 77292 Ext. 77289 Ext. 77293
Support Staff
Ms. Di Carlo Mr. Lapp
Ms. Paul Ms. Parik
Ms. Trenton | Student Success Teacher Child & Youth Worker Social Worker Mental Health Support Worker Attendance Secretary | Extension 77311 Extension 77065
Extension 77287
Extension 77287
Extension 77301