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St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
  • St. Paul Catholic Secondary School
  • 815 Atwater Avenue
  • Mississauga ON , L5E 1L8
  • Principal: Mirella Palmisano
  • Vice Principal(s): Tony Coccimiglio
    Tiziana Klin

  • Superintendents: Drago Radic
  • Trustee: Mario Pascucci (Mississauga Ward 1)
    Bruno Iannicca (Mississauga Ward 7)
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The Teacher-Librarian is responsible for the selection, management and utilization of learning and information resources. Our specialized Library staff are resource people who provide for staff and students valuable assistance in a number of areas, including the finding of reading materials for pleasure, general information, or specific research topics. The staff also helps with orientation for all new students and "Library" classes at the request of teaching staff on specific unit topics related to their subject area.

Students wishing to use the Library during their timetabled class time will be required to sign in and out.

Priority for computer use will be given to Library programs for research purposes.

We now have WiFi. You can access WiFi on your PEDs by turning on WiFi, selecting "dpwifi" and following the instructions. Remember to update your password on your device as well.
All printing and copying (B&W only) is now free. Please DO NOT print images or graphics on the Library printer as it takes up too much toner. 



  • Non-fiction books are available for a 2 week loan.
  • Non-fiction paperbacks are available for a 2 week loan.
  • Paperback fiction books are available for a 2 week loan.
  • Graphic novels are available for a 2 week loan.
  • Magazines are available for a 2 week loan.
  • All Reference materials are to be used only in the Library.
  •  Students will be held responsible for all materials borrowed. You can renew your Library items on the St. Paul website under Quick Search Catalogue. See staff for details.
  • Overdue notices are sent to homerooms regularly to notify students to return items.
  •  Replacement costs for all lost items will be charged.


Students are accountable for losses.  The replacement cost for all items will be charged.  Textbooks for new courses will be withheld if losses are not accounted for.


Please carry your student I.D. card at all times.  You will need your I.D. number to sign out materials and to access the computers.





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