Specialist High Skills Major in Transportation Technology
Registration Form and Course Selection for All Pathways
MOTORING INTO THE FUTURE has the following five components that are illustrated in the slide show.
Slide Show
1. Bundle of 9 Grade 11 & 12 Credits
Four major credits: Up to 4 credits in Transportation Technology OR 2 credits in Transportation Technology and 2 choices from Science, Design Technology, Construction Technology or additional co-op credits depending on the chosen pathway
Three other credits: Contextualized learning activities (CLA) in grade 11 English, Grade 12 Math and Grade 11 or 12 Science or Business Studies. If students take additional co-op credit on top of the required minimum 2 credits, they only need to complete CLAs in their Math and English courses.
Two Co-op credits: tied to Transportation Technology - Note that two credit co-op is available during the summer for those interested in the program but may have difficulty to fit co-op in their schedule.
2. Seven Sector Recognized Certification and Training Programs
Four compulsory certifications: Standard First Aid, CPR, WHMIS, and Health & Safety
Three elective certifications: Vehicle Lift Safety, Lift Truck Safety, Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Use. The electives may change in the future depending on interests and availability.
3. Experiential learning and career exploration
Opportunities to experience and explore careers related to transportation technology through visits to various facilities, job shadowing, presentations by community partners, job fare and trade shows, and more
4. “Reach Ahead” Experiences
Opportunities to visit/have training sessions in colleges, universities and training facilities based on students’ chosen post-secondary pathways
5. Essential Skills and Work Habits
Helping and encouraging students to develop essential skills such as reading, writing, document use, computer use, communication, work safety, teamwork, organization … Proper documentation of these skills and work habits using Ontario Skills Passport (OSP)
The Benefits to Students
Specialist high skills major helps students become better prepared for their post secondary endeavours. Students will learn a lot of skills and will have the opportunity to compile a portfolio that will be relevant when they apply for work or post-secondary education.
Students who successfully complete the program will receive:
- An Ontario Secondary School Diploma with an embossed red seal
- An High Skills Major Record documenting his/her achievement
- Formal recognition on his/her Ontario Student Transcript
Specialist High Skills Major starts in Grade 11. Students may join in Grade 12 as long as their credit accumulation of required courses is on track.
For more information, please see the Transportation SHSM application form and contact your Guidance Counsellor or Mr. Lijiam.
Motoring Into The Future SHSM applicaiton form:
SHSM student application - Transportation.pdf