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Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
"To Know, To Love, To Serve God"
  • Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
  • 6500 Old Church Rd.
  • Caledon East ON , L7C 0H3
  • Principal: Diana Speranza
  • Vice Principal(s): Olivia Faraone
    Filomena Littlejohn
    James Vitale
    Nicole Mondesir
  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 3, 1, 2 & 4)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Dufferin Ward 1)
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Our Mission


The Student Services Department of Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School has been organized to offer both a service and a program to R. F. Hall students and the community.  The services that the department offers are designed to meet the personal needs of the students.

Such services are: 

  • Personal counselling  
  • Small group support counselling 
  • Peer counseling
  • Various, specialized support services including: the Child and 
  • Youth Worker, the Social Worker, the Psychologist, and other specializations that are available through the School Board or         other agencies. 

Access to these services is by request through one of the Guidance Counsellors in the school.  Students, parents, and staff can request an appointment for themselves and, under special circumstances, for someone else. 

The program which is offered by Student Services is designed to meet the academic and career needs of our students.  In the academic area, such issues as time management skills, decision-making skills, study skills and other student survival strategies are presented to the individual student and to groups of students.

The Career Awareness Program uses various tools and techniques to prepare the student for ‘life after school’.  Various interviews and Aptitude Tests are used to give the student insight into the relationship between career and personality.  Career research tools are also available to allow the student to increase his or her awareness of both the depth and breadth of the career opportunities which are available.

Access to the services and programs offered by the Student Service Department is as simple as making an appointment to see a Counsellor.

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