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Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
"To Know, To Love, To Serve God"
  • Robert F. Hall Catholic Secondary School
  • 6500 Old Church Rd.
  • Caledon East ON , L7C 0H3
  • Principal: Diana Speranza
  • Vice Principal(s): Olivia Faraone
    Filomena Littlejohn
    James Vitale
    Nicole Mondesir
  • Superintendents: Adrian Scigliano
  • Trustee: Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Caledon Ward 3, 1, 2 & 4)
    Paula Dametto-Giovannozzi (Dufferin Ward 1)
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Student Trustee Information 

At this time of year each secondary school begins the process of selecting a Student Trustee candidate.  If you are interested in leadership, communication and collaboration consider applying for the role of Student Trustee.  

Information Page 

Student Trustee Application 2024-2025 School Year

If you are interested in the position of Student Trustee, please see Ms. Ratulowski in the library.  

All applications are due Tuesday, January 23, 2024.  Elections will be held at the school level on Thursday, February 8, 2024. 

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