Note: All Adult and Continuing Education Offices are now open for phone consultations only. Please contact the St. Kateri Tekakwitha Catholic Learning Centre at 905-891-3034 and leave a message. We will return your call within one business day. You can also contact us by email at
Internationally-Trained Professional Co-op
- You are a recent newcomer, you are internationally-trained, you have professional experience in your home country related to your education, but not in Canada
- English is your second language
- You have strong English skills (CLB level
6 or higher is mandatory)
- You are competent with a computer
Office Administration Co-op
- Your goal is to work in an office administrative or customer service capacity
- You've been out of the workplace for a period of time and need to refresh your skills
- Advanced Microsoft Office skills is a requirement (BTA3O1)
- You have strong English skills (CLB level 6 or higher is mandatory)
Accounting Co-op
- Your focus is in finance/accounting
- You already have knowledge of basic accounting practices
- You have strong English skills (CLB level
6 or higher is mandatory)
Medical Office Co-op (New Program)
- Your goal is to work in a medical environment supporting healthcare professionals by performing a variety of clerical and administrative tasks.
- Advanced Microsoft Office skills is a requirement ( BTA3O1)
- You have strong English skills (CLB level 6 or higher is mandatory)
Map of Locations