French Immersion Program
French Immersion is a Canadian educational program designed to give students whose first language is not French the opportunity to learn in the French language.
Grade 1 French Immersion Application Process for the school year 2025-2026
Parent/guardian info sessions were held online on October 28 and 30, 2024 to provide details about the Grade 1 French Immersion Application Process for students starting Grade 1 in September 2025.
Click below to view the slide deck and video recording of the information session:
French Immersion Parent Information Session Video Recording
French Immersion Parent Information Slide Deck
The random selection for Grade 1 French Immersion school placements will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024. Communication about the results will be sent by email to parents following the random selection.
To enroll your child in Grade 1 French Immersion for the 2025-2026 school year, please contact the French Immersion school directly to inquire if space is available. You will find a list of DPCDSB French Immersion schools further down on this webpage.
To enroll your child in French Immersion after the Grade 1 entry point, please contact the French Immersion school. Admission will be granted if:
a) space at the French Immersion school is available, and;
b) the student is currently enrolled in French Immersion in another school/board, or Francophone school board, or;
c) the student can demonstrate fluency in the French Language (listening, speaking, reading & writing). A proficiency assessment may be required.
Random Selection Process Should the number of applications exceed the number of spaces available, a centralized, computer-generated random selection process will be held following the application deadline.
French Immersion Eligibility
Entry into the Dufferin-Peel CDSB French Immersion program occurs in Grade 1. Students who wish to enter the Grade 1 French Immersion program must be eligible to attend a Dufferin-Peel school before going through the application process.
Parents/Guardians who wish to enroll their child in a French Immersion program after the Grade 1 entry point, can enroll in the program only if:
a) space at the French Immersion school is available and;
b) the student was previously enrolled or is currently enrolled in a French Immersion Program and/or;
c) the student demonstrates fluency in the French Language (Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing). A proficiency assessment may be required.
Elementary and Secondary French Immersion School Locations
Elementary French Immersion Locations
Secondary French Immersion Locations
French Immersion Schools Map
No bussing is provided for students in the French Immersion program.
Elementary French Immersion Curriculum
French Immersion in Dufferin-Peel begins in Grade 1 where 90% of the instructional day is delivered in French. The percentage of the day instructed in French varies as students progress throughout the elementary grades:

Secondary French Immersion Curriculum
French Immersion in secondary schools requires students to complete a specific number of credits each year. Students accumulate 10 credits in French, 4 in FSL language courses and 6 in other subjects in which French is the language of instruction.

For more information about the French Immersion Program, call 905-890-0708 ext. 24374.